Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Series: The Secret to Not Giving Up

It is always about perspective. Life builds upon itself. Every day is an opportunity to be great. Each day provides hidden gems of lessons.  

Part 2: Little Moments Lead to Big Moments

I found that one of my biggest frustrations was not recognizing that every day of my life matters.  There is purpose in the routine and the seemingly mundane. It is always about perspective. Life builds upon itself. Every day is an opportunity to be great. Each day provides hidden gems of lessons.  

Jacket: Thrift; Shirt: Universal Standard; Shorts: Boohoo; Shoes: BCBG Generation

Jacket: Thrift; Shirt: Universal Standard; Shorts: Boohoo; Shoes: BCBG Generation

I realized that I made my process so much harder when I thought that life was all about the big moments. We’re so often in search of those moments that we forget to be present right now. It takes these present moments to get to the win. And of course social media doesn’t help when we are constantly seeing someone else’s highlight reel. But as we all might be aware the most special moments of our lives are often the little things. Those aha moments that don’t get expressed on social media but lead to us bettering ourselves. Or it can be a text message from a friend encouraging you. Also those times when we are just sitting at home resting.  I’m sure someone with any notoriety will advise us to cherish those moments, to cherish the moments of the climb because it makes the win worth it.  

I know, I know your life might look pretty basic right now, but there is purpose in basic. Basic builds character and strengthens discipline. Basic teaches us how to wait on God. Basic humbles us and makes us realize that we are not entitled to greatness and God’s plan is so much bigger than us. Basic is a training ground. God knows the exact timing of your win. He knows how long you need to stay in training so that when you win you can sustain it. Why would a good Father set you up to fail?

It’s time we start changing our attitudes about the present or things we see as routine. You are not promised tomorrow. I think it is pretty arrogant to waste a day when you don’t have control over whether you will live to see the next day. I am strong proponent for giving my all every day. I love to get home each day and know that I’ve given it my best. I pray that God affords me many years on this earth, but I’m not going to waste a moment of the time I am given here. I want my legacy to be that I used every ounce of my potential.

Yes, big moments are great. I am not trying to downplay the winning moments. But keep in mind there is no one win. In life there are going to be multiple wins. Life doesn’t stop once we reach a goal. We all should be on a constant journey of growth. So after that win, there is more process so we can continue to elevate to each new level and at the same time go deeper in our relationship with God.

With Love,


Photos and Editing by: Lucretia L. Scruggs

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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Series: The Secret to Not Giving Up

Welcome to the first part of my two part series How Not to Give Up. There is no secret mojo just a whole lot of self reflection. Let’s start with letting go of your mistakes.

Let Go of Mistakes

If we allow it, the past can be our greatest ally or the scariest terrorist. To most of us it is a terrorist because we choose to focus on what we perceive as the negative events of our past and bind ourselves to the guilt. I have said this a lot but life is what you make it. And your experiences can either be catalysts for change or quick sand that keeps you stuck. Girl it’s time to free yourself from the anchor of the perception of the past that is drowning you and your future. Here’s how I Jedi (yep I am a Star Wars fan that is hopelessly sad that the saga will soon come to an end) mind trick my life into being what I need it to be, I let go of my mistakes!

Romper: Zara; Glasses: Tory Burch; Ring and Bracelet: Vintage

Romper: Zara; Glasses: Tory Burch; Ring and Bracelet: Vintage

Why do we like to torture ourselves? We make ourselves believe that somehow there is salvation in making ourselves suffer because of the not so great choices we have made. Am I saying keep making the same mistakes, no, but what I am saying is learn from them and move on. Are there consequences to our decisions, yes, whether good or bad. But remember, Jesus died, you are forgiven, believe it and let that sink in. You are not doing yourself or the world any favors by beating yourself up. Please stop allowing your mistakes to keep you from reaching the highest heights of your destiny. What does holding on to mistakes do? It makes us feel unworthy, not good enough. What letting go of our mistakes reminds us of is how wonderfully enough we are. In the end, think about it, what is the guilt exactly helping you to accomplish?  

Letting go of our mistakes, like everything else, is a process. It helps to pray and be totally honest. God already knows and so do you so pretending won’t get you anywhere as well. A part of the hard part of this is being vulnerable. Being willing to look at the not so great parts of your choices and still look in the mirror and believe that you are still worth it. I promise God’s love isn’t going anywhere. (Read Romans 8: 31-39) I like to think of my mistakes as just the thing I needed to show me an area I need to adjust and whip me into shape. Mistakes are not the end of the world…take it from a recovering perfectionist. By the way, I kind of like the fact that I’m not perfect, because that way every part of me that is good God gets the glory because he is the reason for it.  

Holding on to our mistakes has detrimental effects on our ability to not give up on our dreams. Feeling worthy plays a huge part in realizing the greatest vision for our lives. Unworthiness can lead to feelings that we are not capable of doing what our gifts state that we are absolutely capable of accomplishing. The moment any frustration creeps in we are ready to turn back to what makes us comfortable. When you are confident in yourself and your capabilities no matter the setback, you can dust yourself off and keep going. There is no shame in landing on the ground, but the grit is in getting back up. Learning from and then letting go of what made you fall will make your dreams live. Don’t let the past take up to much space, the present and the future are craving what you have to offer and so is the world. Don’t make us have to live without what you have to give.

With Love,


Photos and Editing by: Lucretia L. Scruggs

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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Finding Joy in the Process

Instead of asking why me in the since of why am I going through this situation, ask why me as in why God is allowing me to go through this season of being pressed.  What is God trying to grow in me that I need for the next level or step in my journey?

A couple of weeks ago I was journaling and as I was thinking of my journey and how uncomfortable I was in my current situation and the idea of having joy in the process came to mind. I was like, yes, this would be a great blog topic. Being stretched and going through an uncomfortable situation is undoubtedly hard, but sometimes we put too much emphasis on the situation then what God is developing in us. Instead of asking why me in the since of why am I going through this situation, ask why me as in why God is allowing me to go through this season of being pressed.  What is God trying to grow in me that I need for the next level or step in my journey?

Sweater: A&E Skirt: Express Shoes: Doc Martens

Sweater: A&E Skirt: Express Shoes: Doc Martens

Our tendency to want to jump from level to level without doing the work is what causes us the most harm in our spiritual journey. But God is a good father and He is going to always make sure that we are prepared. Most of the time we are not aware of our blind spots or the areas of our lives that God needs to build in order to bless us. That’s why trusting God’s plan and walking in obedience is essential. He has the ultimate blueprint, trust me He is a lot smarter than we are. And He knows us better than we think. Why do we believe the creator of all things doesn’t get us? He sent his son Jesus just to show us that He does.

I won’t lie to you, life can feel heavy and moving into territory where your future looks murky is scary. Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is barely visible or we can’t see it at all. Yep, I’ve been there. Currently, the light is getting a lot closer. But I made the choice to focus on God’s goodness and provision instead of the pressure of my circumstance. I made the choice to wake up every day and rejoice in the good in my life. Most of us who live in the Unites States have what we call first world problems. We really have it good but yet we feel entitled to more. But whether we like or not we are not entitled to more and more takes more work. “…And to whom whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom they commit much, of him will they ask the more.” Luke 12:48. I know saying it like that makes it sound super easy but what we choose to focus on makes a difference. And if you’re having trouble making that choice, ask God for help. Sometimes my prayers take the form of simply God help me through this moment. I also listen to worship music to get me in the presence of God. But I believe what helps me the most is the fact that I have made my daily meeting with God a priority in my life. We have to make room for His presence or all of this is for nothing. God never reveals the entire story but He does give us a strategy in steps and we have to be connected to Him to get that information.

Secondly, I turn off the comparison button within me. Focusing on your own journey makes it a lot easier to forget about what other people are doing. When you understand how valuable you are and how valuable your gifts and talents are to the Kingdom of God and to the world the goings on of other people’s lives don’t seem so important. We all have a sphere that God has called us too and has ordained for us to win in. We have to remember that in order to remain focused through the difficult times. We have to remember to look within and not around. Nobody has had it easy but we tend to make ourselves believe that somehow they’ve had it easier than us. Long term success in anyone’s life comes from a journey filled with hard work, falling, getting up and never quitting. Don’t get caught up in the highlight reel of social media, it can be super misleading. No one’s life is a breeze all the time. But if we work through the tough times with a sense of purpose and remembering that God has always come through, we’ll not only come out on the other side blessed but so much better.

Keep this at the forefront of your mind, God has a plan. God is not arbitrary and if we ask for wisdom and direction He freely gives it to us. Stretching and discomfort are the necessary elements to us becoming the better versions of ourselves. Regardless of how hard it is we are all really blessed.

With Love,


Photos By: Lucretia Scruggs

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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

When My Heart is Overwhelmed

The only way that things get better is if we cling to our purpose and get to work.

I don’t know if it’s just me but the world seems to be going crazy right now. Things feel so unsettled and everything is shifting. The times have become overwhelming and heavy. At times I want to bury my head in the sand and hope everything gets better. But I believe the only way that things get better is if we cling to our purpose and get to work.

Hat: Thrift; Turtleneck: ASOS; Faux Fur Vest: Vintage; Skirt: ASOS; Boots: Doc Martens

Hat: Thrift; Turtleneck: ASOS; Faux Fur Vest: Vintage; Skirt: ASOS; Boots: Doc Martens

When the world around us gets crazy it’s our job to call on our higher selves to move our world in the right direction. We have to remember that we are not alone in this fight, but God is with us. He is calling on you and me to be the people he has purposed us to be. He has not called us to shrink back in fear and wait for someone else to save us. There isn’t a someone else, we only have ourselves. We are the change that we want to see in our lives.

I am reminded of this, even when tears fall from my eyes from the concerns and pressures of life. As I cast my cares on Him, God empowers me into greater purpose. As stated above, we are not in this alone. God has promised to never leave nor forsake us. Not only do we have to believe this but we have to rest in this understanding. The world has called on us to be brave and to go after the dreams that God has set in our hearts. We can’t give up and we can’t give in to the pressure. Even when things seem dark, we have to search for the inner light inside to guide us through. The world doesn’t need someone, it needs you and me to stand in solidarity and make the difference.

With Love,


Happy MLK Day!

Photos by: Lucretia L. Scruggs

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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

A Word for the Year

My prayer for 2019 is that victory, overflow and intentionality be realized in all areas of my life.

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought lately. What will be the word that defines how I want to move forward into the new year? Words like overflow, victory, intentional kept coming to mind but trying to choose just one was problematic. So I decided that the word to encompass all those words would be multidimensional.

Dress: Vintage; Shoes: Express; Purse: Vintage Prada

Dress: Vintage; Shoes: Express; Purse: Vintage Prada

The one lesson I learned in 2018 is that my purpose is multifaceted and I’m not defined by just one thing that I do or that I am good at. And why should the way I approach the new year be any different. God made me dynamic and that is how I want to embrace the new year. That is how I plan to live my life going forward, seeing myself as more than one thing. Growing up I had a one track mind and that was to become an attorney. I thought it would be the answer to everything. God had a different opinion. And over the last few years I’ve learned there is so much more to me and to my purpose. Of course balance and prioritizing is important, but understanding how to tap into each part of your self is important as well. It gives me so much confidence being able to see myself as many things and understanding that I can own all of them.

My prayer for 2019 is that victory, overflow and intentionality be realized in all areas of my life. Honey, I’m praying that this year blow my mind. Safety and mediocrity are out and being fearless is in. Not so much being without fear but not letting it dictate the steps that I take. So cheers to being multidimensional and allowing God to move in my life in a myriad of ways. There is no ceiling to how I pray that His glory displays itself in my life.

I pray that your greatest hopes and dreams be realized in the new year as well. Comment and let me know what you think and what your word or words for the year are.

With Love,


Photos By: Lucretia L. Scruggs

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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

The Joy of the Season

. Let’s be thankful, let’s reflect and let’s be reminded to make the most of this beautiful gift that is given to us called life.

The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are by far my favorite time of year. My big three come together, family, friends and shopping. But it is also one of the times of the year that I get the chance to really reflect and be grateful. Since it is the end of the year, we get the opportunity to look back over the year and see how far we have come, and make preparations for the new year.  What I discover most during my time of reflection is that I’ve had more ups than downs and even in the hard times I’ve learned good lessons that will push me forward in my next season. I can look back and see that God is always faithful.

Dress: Thrift Shoes: Doc Martens

Dress: Thrift Shoes: Doc Martens

I believe that this is what this season is all about. It’s about reveling in the good of life. We all know that we can all find something to complain about but this time of year gives us something to rejoice in. Not to down play the fact that this can be a very challenging and lonely season for some. But I truly believe if we focused on the purpose of the season and reached outside of ourselves, we’ll find the light we need to continue to press forward and to enjoy life. Just watch a couple of Hallmark Christmas movies and I promise it will change your mood every time LOL!

I’m super sentimental so the Christmas spirit is right up my alley. It gives me a reason to cry at those perfect Publix commercials. But seriously Thanksgiving and Christmas were always very special times in my family. We were not rich by any standards, but we really came together for each other and that made all the difference. So every year during this time I carry that same spirit in my heart and I hope to teach my children the real joy of the holiday season one day. Let’s be thankful, let’s reflect and let’s be reminded to make the most of this beautiful gift that is given to us called life.

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Using Your Voice Without Going Low

“When they go low we go high.” -Michelle Obama

To say this year has been particularly noisy is an understatement. Every other day it feels as though the world is going crazy before our eyes, from social media to societal injustices. It can lead anyone to feel helpless and hopeless. But the quote of former first lady Michelle Obama rings in my ears, “When they go low we go high.”

Hat: DSW Jacket: Thrift Shirt: Walking in the Word, LLC Faux Leather Leggings: Express Boots: Calvin Klein

Hat: DSW Jacket: Thrift Shirt: Walking in the Word, LLC Faux Leather Leggings: Express Boots: Calvin Klein

I feel as though people have looked at this quote as weak, but I believe it takes much more strength to not stoop to the depths of negativity. I believe what this quote really means is that we should channel our frustration into positive action. It doesn’t mean lie down and let people with ill will walk all over us. It means when they choose to live with hate, we choose to turn that energy into something good. We don’t make our lives better or the world around us better by perpetuating the same negative spirit that a person may direct towards us. I know that it is easier said than done, but think of it this way, when we choose to become the negativity we become the very thing we dislike about the person who directed it towards us.

I will admit we may never get through to the person that wronged us, but instead of trying to prove them wrong, use that energy to create good in the world. When you know who you are, it isn’t necessary to prove anything to anyone. Another person’s actions don’t speak to who we are but who they are. It’s all too easy to take things personal but another person’s brokenness is never about us anyway so we can’t live there. We all have a story and we all deal with the hurts and pains of that story differently. Does that give us the license to be ugly? No not at all, but those of us who choose to not allow our pains to define us can make better choices. Think about it, if we all chose to retaliate who would be left. It’s easy to point the finger when we believe that we are the victim but there is always somebody out there willing to point the finger at us as well.

With all of this in mine, we should be trying to channel our energy to change our inner selves and then the world around us, not at trying to convince others that we can be as bad as they are. Because trying to convince others will get us nowhere. I want to leave a legacy of better for those living in my wake. I choose to use my voice not to create more chaos but for good. I want my voice to inspire those around me to use their gifts and talents to help shape a different viewpoint of the world and to actually make it better. I will be honest I hesitated to write this post. I am not really into politics, I vote and do my part but all the rhetoric makes me overwhelmed. And I’m not what anyone would define as an activist but in today’s climate I think we all need hope. We all need to know that in our unique ways we can make a difference and do our part. I’m not sitting back just accepting what the world is giving. I’m pushing back with purpose as my strength. My voice matters and yours does too. My clap back will be seeing lives changed.

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

How to Speak Without Saying a Word: What Your Style Says About You

To celebrate yourself through style is a good thing!

It’s no secret that I am an introvert and my alone time is glorious to me. Therefore, most of the words that I speak are very intentional. I don’t usually mince words or use words arbitrarily. It is important to me to use my words wisely. The clothes that I wear are also a very important tool for my self-expression. My fashion and style choices are not arbitrary. My choices from the way I wear my hair and the clothes I choose are statements in themselves.

When I walk into a room, people get a peek into my psyche just based on what I am wearing. So I ask you this question, when you walk into a room what does your style say about you? And is it relaying the message you want it too? Whether we want to admit it or not our clothes speak for us. There is no particular right or wrong, but there is a message. I have deemed my style sophisticated edge, I’m part lady and part gangsta lol! There is a ladylike toughness in everything that I wear. Because the message that I relay is that there is beauty in femininity but there is also beauty in strength.

Coat: Vintage; Shirts: ASOS; Shorts: American Eagle; Shoes: TavisPShoes @TaviaPShoes; Glasses: Natural Girls Rock

Coat: Vintage; Shirts: ASOS; Shorts: American Eagle; Shoes: TavisPShoes @TaviaPShoes; Glasses: Natural Girls Rock

My clothing is also a testament to my personality. I can be very quiet in new situations so I oftentimes lead with my style. The funny thing is that the way that people usually engage me is based on my hairstyle and/or something I’m wearing. A compliment or comment usually leads to conversation. In every scenario my intent is always to be myself and I am intentional about that in my style sense. I posted this on IG not too long ago, but I decided that the best gift that I could give myself was me. My intent is never attention alone, but it is that you see the real me. And so I can engage from that place.

One of the purposes of this blog is to ask you questions that make you have deeper thoughts with yourself. Yes, fashion and style are fun but it’s also how we represent ourselves to the world. It’s a piece of who we are. And it is important that we explore every one of the pieces. So I ask what does your style say about you? And if you want it to say something different then change it. I implore you to have this conversation with yourself so that you can shine girl. To celebrate yourself through style is a good thing!

With Love,


P.S. Having style doesn’t have to break the bank, you can find a way to definitely be you within the price range in which you are comfortable. Style does not have a price.

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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

The Ministry of No

Sometimes saying No is good for your health.

I promised in my post about self-care that I would write on this topic. Because I felt that it was subject worth going into further detail. Sometimes the super woman has to take off her cape and be real.  I often pride myself on having a big heart but I’ve learned that having a big heart does not mean becoming a human rug for people to walk all over. In life balance is very important. This was a hard won lesson but I’m finally to the point in my life where I’m prioritizing my own experience. My purpose requires that I value how I respond to the world and how it responds to me.

Sweater: Thrift; Jeans: Vintage Levi’s; Head Scarf: The Wrap Life; Glasses: Natural Girls Rock

Sweater: Thrift; Jeans: Vintage Levi’s; Head Scarf: The Wrap Life; Glasses: Natural Girls Rock

            If you allow it the world will consume without stopping and you have to be willing to tell the world and the people in it no. Any opportunity that pushes you beyond what is healthy is not for you. I understand operating in a spirit of excellence. I also understand not wanting to reject opportunities. But we have to trust God enough to know that what is for us is for us and it can’t be taken away. Doing anything out of fear or a scarcity mentality is never good for us. We will only end up burnt out and outside of purpose. It is important that we listen to the voice of God in our lives and adhere to the scripture “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5.

            The ministry of no is also important in our personal lives as well. Our loved ones are special to us no doubt and we often feel this pull from them that we don’t feel from any other thing or people in our lives. But loving our family and friends is not always about being willing to say yes, there are times when it is important to say no, for our own sanity and for everyone’s well-being. If God doesn’t always give us what we want, then we have to have this same attitude towards the people we love as well. Love means doing what’s best for all involved even if that best means saying no to preserve and protect your own person. We are never at our best when we allow ourselves to be depleted. God is limitless we are not, do yourself a favor and learn to say no.

            By the way, this in no means is a license to be obnoxious or selfish. As I stated above, balance is essential. But this is a chance for all of us to take the time to think before we act. This is a reminder that in life we have choices. Take the time to choose what’s best in any given situation and sometimes what’s best means saying N.O. Thank me later!

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Self-Care Starts With the Little Things

Taking the time to love on yourself will always translate to a better you.

The phrase self-care has been thrown around a lot lately and I am afraid that many of you may think that this means going out and doing something big and extravagant. Yes, sometimes it does mean getting a fancy massage, by the way I could use one of those, but more often than not it just means taking the time to love on yourself in a meaningful way. Taking the time to love on yourself will always translate to a better you.

Shirt: Thrift

Shirt: Thrift

Oftentimes, we as women get so bogged down with the weight of pursuing our dreams, taking care of our families, and being the nurturers that we were created to be that we find ourselves trying to take care of the world to our own detriment. It is never a bad thing to turn that in on ourselves. Self -care is not synonymous with being selfish. Let go of the guilt trip girl and take those needed moments for you. Make it simple at first, like taking a bath instead of shower, taking a quiet moment in the morning or in the evening for yourself, or just doing something that you really enjoy.

Isn’t it funny that men tend to not have this problem, what so ever. They’re not afraid to ask for the things they want. Women tend to be a little less assertive when it comes to making sure our own needs are met and that needs to change. How can we be the best in any role in our lives when we’re not in tune with our inner self. That is basically what self-care is all about. Taking time to listen to that inner voice and taking steps to ensure that she is heard and served. I admit it does take a little getting use to, but creating good habits are what we are all about.

I had to be reminded of this a couple of weeks ago when I hit a wall and had to take a half day from work. I was mentally tired but I hadn’t taken the time to listen to my inner voicve screaming at me to slow down and take a moment. I was in superwoman mode and was trying to be everything to everyone but myself. I had to kick myself in the butt for letting it get that far. Even when we know better it doesn’t always mean we act on it. So this might be that push you need, don’t let it get as bad as I did, to take that meaningful moment for yourself. One of the best things I learned in that moment was using my voice for the benefit of me and the ministry of no. We’ll talk more about the ministry of no in the future. But don’t forget you have to be your best advocate no one is going to look out for you better than you can.

If you don’t mind I would love for you to comment about some ways you plan to take care of yourself in the coming days. Help another sister out by also sharing tips about how you self-care in your own lives. Let’s take of ourselves first and each other.

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Loving The Skin You're In

When you look in the mirror what do you see?

As you may have noticed I usually start my blogs with a question. I do this because this blog isn’t just about me, it’s about all of us evolving into the best women that we can become. So the question for this week is, when you look in the mirror what do you see? Not only with your natural eyes but your spiritual eyes as well.


                Of course we are always growing, so there is always an area in our lives that can be better. But even with the inevitable growth that has to take place, do you love or even like yourself? It’s important that we ask ourselves this question. Because we can’t begin to give from the best of who we are when have a toxic inner dialogue. This reminds me of the old saying treat others like you want to be treated .But how can we treat others with love and respect when it is missing within us. I wrote a few weeks ago about Intrinsic Value (shameless plug: read it if you haven’t). Knowing your value is the first step but accepting it into your heart is the next step.

                You can be in a place where everyone can see the value in you but if you can’t see it, it really does not matter.  It’s up to us to believe that what’s inside of us has purpose in the world. We have to believe that our talents and gifts matter even if we don’t receive outside validation. Undoubtedly, if our insides provide light our external will follow. I believe we often look how we feel. Feeling good about oursleves does not start with a cute outfit, it starts from a whole heart. I definitely don’t have a one size fits all solution for what it takes to begin the journey of self-love. It is definitely an uphill climb, but in the end it is worth it. Prayer and time with God is always the best idea. But if it takes going a step further like going to counseling take it, because the world definitely needs the best version of you. And you deserve it as well.  I enjoy waking up daily to a sound mind and heart.

                My journey to wholeness/self-love was not simple. It took digging deep and rooting out pathologies that began even before I was born. I had to get to the why and then start taking responsibility for the decisions I was making. Even when others cause us hurt or pain it is up to us to make the decision to forgive and move on. We make the ultimate choice in how we choose to see life.

I love being able to look in the mirror and not only like my character but also what I see, even my flaws, because it all tells the story of Cree. It makes me feel complete that every mark, every stretch helped me to become the best possible me in this moment. I had already decided to write about this topic prior to our new church series. But it’s so God to make the topic today about facing and embracing our past as the gateway to a better future. The series is called Chain Breaker it sounds pretty self-explanatory. But sometimes we need to hear it said aloud that Jesus is the chain breaker. Our Pastor has been giving us awesome truths about how we begin to break negative cycles in our lives (follow Passion City Church on YouTube to get the weekly messages). Not only do we have to understand our value but we have to embrace our past in order to overcome it. A lot of our failure to love ourselves comes from the inability to resolve within our hearts events of the past. Like I stated before, it is not easy work but it’s necessary.

                As you’re getting ready for work in the morning, just take a second to look in the mirror and ask yourself what do I see? I pray that it is not a cracked reflection, but if it is, that you do the work to allow God to mend it.

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Today Is A Present

Hey girl, there’s been something on my mind because I feel as though we fall prey to this thing too often. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing bad about envisioning a better future. But when that future is all consuming then we definitely have a problem.

Hey girl, there’s been something on my mind because I feel as though we fall prey to this thing too often. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing bad about envisioning a better future. But when that future is all consuming then we definitely have a problem.

Shirt: Thrift Shorts: H & M (?) Shoes: Zara (Winter 2018) 

Shirt: Thrift Shorts: H & M (?) Shoes: Zara (Winter 2018) 

             I’ve really gotten to a point in my life where I am so grateful to just be. Instead of worrying about what my future will look like, I have been living in the present. I realize that the decisions I make today will ultimately decide what my future will be anyway, so it is in my best interest to focus on where I am now. Not only does this mindset benefit my future, but I find myself so much more at peace and full of joy because I’m not trying to make something happen. I’m living in my blessings. I’m also not trying to arrive anywhere because I’m so grateful for the moments that I have. I’ve learned how to let go of the end result and just execute the plan God has placed on my heart. Because God has promised a result that is beyond anything I can imagine and I rest in that.

                I will admit that I have wasted a lot of time in the past focusing on the future/unknown. I think because I had this preconceived notion of how I wanted my life to look. Big mistake, especially if you haven’t run this big plan by God. Get ready for loads of disappointments because no matter how much we think we got this, God is still in control. Even up to this year, God has had to continuously remind me that He has a plan and I can rest in it. God is not trying to keep secrets, it’s just that He knows the best timing for every step of this journey and what’s best for us. But for our stubborn human minds it can be a hard pill to swallow, even when it ultimately will make our lives easier. And I will admit it has made my life so much easier.

              I rest easy now knowing that all I have to do is continue to execute the vision and word God has given me. I make all of my decisions with this in mind, so it’s less of a guessing game. The one question I ask myself is: is this decision in alignment with my purpose and the vision that God has given me. I think that the reason we often feel so lost and or confused is because we (1) like me have this idealized picture of our lives without consulting God; and (2) we neglect our relationship with God, which clouds our understanding of what our purpose truly is. Once God gives you the vision, even if you have to wait on it, don’t worry it will come to pass. Enjoy each day and keep executing. You don’t want to look back with a long trail of regrets on your way to there you forgot to pay attention to here.


                I feel you girl, I want to be living my best life. But my best life is the life that I have right now and I have to make the most of it. Keep this in your heart…God is not in the failing business. So don’t feel like you have to keep up with the world, do what you know works best for you and take care of you in the here and now.

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

My Favorite Season

So do you remember when I said that summer was my second favorite season, well we are on the cusp of what I deem as the best season ever!!! And that season is Fall/Autumn.

So do you remember when I said that summer was my second favorite season, well we are on the cusp of what I deem as the best season ever!!! And that season is Fall/Autumn.

Sweatshirt: Thrift; Shorts: H&M (2016); Boots: Steve Madden 

Sweatshirt: Thrift; Shorts: H&M (2016); Boots: Steve Madden 

 I absolutely love the Fall. It just always feels like a new beginning for me. I‘m not sure but it may be the residual effects of loving school and Fall being when the new school year starts in the states. But that feeling of renewal has never left me and I always feel like I get to start fresh. Fall is also a time of deep reflection for me, it’s like I get even more intentional about where my life is going and making sure that I’m in alignment with my purpose.

                Therefore, it’s no question that in the spirit of the season, I am doing something new that I am really excited about. I am taking new steps in my financial journey that will not only set up me up to live the life I want but to set up a future that those who come after me can stand upon. I’ve always been good at budgeting, but I was stuck and needed to take it to a point where I was making sure my money was working for me. My first goal is pay off credit card debt by mid 2019, second goals paying off car note while also saving for home purchase (mid 2020) and lastly begin to invest more intentionally and wisely, (by the way, this is a total transparent moment for me but I want to hold myself accountable and I want you to hold me to it as well).


                But Fall never ceases to bring out this desire in me to take it one step further in my growth and faith walk. I don’t know if Fall is your favorite season, but I invite you to think about something in your life that needs some special attention, and then take the necessary steps to get that thing taken care of. Make that plan and then execute it girl. It is never too late to start fresh. Yea, I know we only have four more months left in the year, but I allow the energy of the season to motivate me to go just a little further. Therefore, I set my self up for an even better year as the new year comes around. As the weather begins to cool and I dust off my boots (who doesn’t love a cute pair of boots), I also dust off my mind. Time to begin a new lesson in this journey called life.

Let me know in the comments if you love Fall as much as I do and why?

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

The Next Step is Purpose

What is your why?

In my last post I wrote about understanding our value and the importance of asking ourselves the vital question of from where is the definition of our value derived. Once we have fully taken it to heart that our value is intrinsic to our existence on earth then we can move on to the next step which is examining purpose. The question of the week is what is your why?

Over the last few years, I have realized that my why is more than just what I do as a career, but it is the reason God saw fit to allow me to take up space on the earth. After my first job lay off I really began to explore my gifts and talents and the things that I was really passionate about. I realized that though I was smart, there were other aspects of myself that I really never questioned or fully delved into. I leaned too heavily on my intelligence without making room for the other parts of me that made me who I am. I had experimented with my creative side but I had never made it a priority. I realized that meshing my intelligence and creativity was the road to my ultimate fulfillment. I finally understood that I didn’t have to prefer one over the other I could have both and thrive in them. I understand now that purpose is multidimensional and can flow out of the same vessel.  

My why is the reason I started writing this blog. I realized that my knack for writing, my love for fashion/beauty and my compassion for others could all live in one space. And there was born Intellect in Heels a place where all of me could live in the light and a place where you could feel unafraid to live out your why. I know this sounds rather simple but I have to be real with you it takes WORK. You have to be willing to first get to the bottom of your why and then take the steps to make it a reality in your life. You also have to understand that unpacking the fullness of your purpose is a never ending journey. There are levels to this girl. You have to know that there will be fearful moments, confusing moments and moments when you question if it’s even worth it. But I guarantee you that it is and I haven’t even gotten close to reaching my fullest potential.

Jacket: ASOS; Shirt and Pants: Thrift

Jacket: ASOS; Shirt and Pants: Thrift

I have chosen to put my heart on display in hopes to inspire you to not just settle for what life throws at you but understand that you have a choice. It’s not easy because I never know the response that I’m going to receive. But if it helps one woman to discover her true destiny, it’s well worth it to me. I do this not because there is some big bank roll at the end of the tunnel but because I know it was what I was born to do and this is who I was born to be. My life looks nothing like I thought it would but it’s better than I could have ever imagined. I get such a sense of peace from doing what I love. One thing that I ask of you is to be willing to ask yourself the scary questions or lose out on the opportunity to live your best life for real. Ask the question, do the work and thrive.

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Intrinsic Value

Have you ever stopped to think about where you believe your value comes from?

Question: Have you ever stopped to think about where you believe your value comes from? This is an assessment that we must do in our lives, especially in today’s society. I realized that the failure to understand that we are intrinsically valuable is the recipe for an unfulfilled life.  

Let’s talk girl. The failure to recognize my value led me to not only make mistakes in relationships, but it made me settle for less than God’s best for me. I thought that the more I acquired or the more worldly success I attained it would make me worthy. Since I was 8 I wanted to be a lawyer and a part of the reason was because I thought that it would add to my value. As a child I had fallen into the trap of our society that equated quality with having things and status. I will admit that my reasons for wanting to become an attorney weren’t all very noble. I wanted success and the means to live how I wanted and buy what I wanted. I had no idea that thirsting after these things would not fulfill me but would only multiply the feeling of emptiness.  What I had failed to understand was that I was born worthy.


Dress: Melo' Day via Nordstrom Rack Earrings: Natural Girls Rock


I am currently the survivor of two job lay-offs as a working attorney. After the first lay off God started the work and after the second one He finished it. The work was to get me to see myself as He did. It’s easy to lose your self -esteem and since of self-worth when you lose your job, and I admit mine were deflated. Because my identity was attached to me having attained a level of success in my career it was hard, even though I wasn’t very happy in my position at the time. Although I was happy not to have to continue in that line of work it was still quite embarrassing to be a non-working lawyer. How could I be valuable without a job? I wanted to leave on my own terms, meaning I wanted to have another opportunity lined up. Ha, God had other plans. And I will forever be grateful because that lay-off was the beginning of a huge change in my journey. It marked the beginning to the work to become the real me. The work that would expose my lack of seeing my worth and relearning how to identify myself.

Your journey may look like mine or a lot different from mine in regards to how a lack of seeing our value can lead down a path to nonfulfillment.  But it’s important that we take the time to think about how we see ourselves and why. My career was not the only area in my life that a lack of value understanding reared its ugly head, because it shows up in many forms. Once I finally saw myself the right way, I was able to transform my life one area at a time.

God teaches us that our value is based on the fact that we are His creation. And it is that matter of fact and simple. I’m not at all saying that my becoming a lawyer wasn’t monumental in my life but I am saying that I was worthy before I ever got the degree or got my first pay check. Having a great career is awesome but our entire identity should not be wrapped into what we do, what we have, or our relationship status. What we sometimes forget on this journey is that things are temporary and I even dare say life is as well. Therefore, we have to find our treasure in the things that exist beyond us that ties us to the One who is greater than we are. God’s word says that He knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb and also that He has a plan and purpose for our lives. I don’t think God would put in that much work for someone who wasn’t worth it. My prayer is that you discover that this is true for you too.

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Book Review: Wholeness by Pastor Toure’ Roberts

I am so excited because I know that once you read this book your life will be forever changed. I believe that this is the guidance and inspiration that you have been searching for.



...I have enough. Wholeness enables you to say to yourself, I am full, I am complete, and there is nothing missing inside you. -Wholeness by Pastor Toure' Roberts 

To be totally transparent I knew when I picked this book up that it was going to be really good. I am actually going to read it again. I have listened to his messages over the years and I am hooked to the word that God has placed in his heart. I have also read his first book “Purpose Awakening” so I knew the greatness that I was about to encounter when I picked up this book. I would recommend that you pick up both books and read them in order and I promise your life will be transformed.

But I’m not here to review both books, I am here to review “Wholeness.”  So here we go, because reading this book is like going on a journey, the journey from the beginning of your life to the present. It implores you to examine every step in between in order to discover the whole you. This book is the mirror that you need to reflect back to you who you truly are. Warning: if you’re not ready to weed out brokenness in your life and go beyond the superficial, then steer clear. Because after reading “Wholeness” you will never be the same.

I don’t want to give it all away because the purpose of this book review is not to give you all the details. Although I don’t think I could, because reading this book is a personal experience. Everyone who reads it will get something different from it. We all are in various seasons of our lives, and it will speak to each us according to that season. The one thing that I can say is that I love that this book is personal to Pastor Roberts as well. Every chapter provides us with an example of how the journey of wholeness has worked in his life as a blueprint. He allows his humanness to be on full display which for me is always reassuring. I’m a person that when I read books of this kind I need to know that the author has taken the same advice that he/she is giving. Have you ever had that friend that gives great advice but doesn’t use it in their own life.  Well this book is the opposite of that friend. This book serves as the friend that will walk you through the tough work of moving beyond the surface and getting to the deeper things of who you are, because that friend has already moved through this journey. Second Warning: This book is going to get under your skin and get all up in your business, but it is going to be worth it. It’s time up for zombie living and accepting things as they are. We have to be active participants in our personal growth.

I am so excited because I know that once you read this book your life will be forever changed. I believe that this is the guidance and inspiration that you have been searching for. But I don’t need you to just take my word for it… GO GET THIS BOOK!

Thank me later!

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Don't Kill My Vibe

Life is already hard enough why make it harder. The summer months always remind me of how true this saying is.

One of the reasons why I enjoy the summer is because the warm weather usually reminds me not to take myself too seriously. I give myself permission to let down my hair a little and have fun. The number one mantra that I live by is that life is already hard enough why make it harder. This goes for the decisions that I make as well as the effort I make to maintain a heart of gratefulness. That gratefulness then translates to a heart of joy. Summer reminds me that even though tough days are inevitable the seasons change and the sun shines once more.

Shorts: Boohoo Shirt: Express

I know that this sounds very cliché. But finding ways to keep the sun shining in your life is important. I am a very introspective and can be very hard on myself most times. So I am always up for reminding myself to have a little fun and do the things I enjoy. Whether it’s watching reruns of Golden Girls every night, spending time with friends and family, dancing around the house or just living my best life…lol! We spend a lot of time focusing on what we can do better and how we can be better and the list goes on, but it’s just as important to live in the moment and enjoy it!

Before we all know it, the seasons will change and the cooler weather will come. So while it’s still warm outside live a little girl. I know you have purpose to execute and dreams to slay, but take this moment breathe in the good in your life, smile, laugh at the imperfections and find the joy in just living. I’m here to remind you that if you’re going to work this hard there has to be something at the end of it to enjoy. That something is life. Don’t forget it sis!


With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

The Process to Showing Up

I’m sorry I made an assumption in my last blog, charge it to my head and not my heart. No doubt, there is a process to showing up and here is a glimpse into mine. It’s not easy but it is well worth it. God’s intentions for you are good.

Last week I wrote about showing up in the work place/corporate America as my whole self and hoped to inspire you to do the same. But the assumption that I made was that we had all first done the work to understand who we are in order to show up. I will warn you that in life there is no such thing as overnight success, in this as with everything there is process. I’m always on a mission of self-discovery, so I don’t think it will ever be complete, but I do believe that I have come to a place of wholeness in my person. It took a lot of God breaking down and building me up to get here. And I never want any of you to walk away thinking that it’s easy but I can guarantee you that it is worth it. Discovering purpose and the fullness of who you are is always worth the journey to get there.


As I stated in my last blog it was not always easy to show up as me. Our society creates insecurities in us very early on by imposing on us unrealistic expectations of who we should be and what we should strive to look like. Again we are often celebrated for fitting in, in our formative years. I do believe that I had a slight leg up personality wise in this area, because I embraced my weirdness at an early age. I have always been okay with being different but it was not always easy for me to stand in it with confidence if it meant that it would make someone else uncomfortable. I thought it was easier to soften the blow than show up completely myself. That was my mistake, because the world needs me to be who I am because God didn’t make a mistake when he made me. And when I look back on it, I realize how crazy it was for me to think that somehow when God created me His plan wasn’t good enough or that it would be smart to alter His plan.  Trust me God knows why He made you the way that He did and it is important that we truly understand that if we are going to show up.

Receiving God’s plan for your life is the first step to showing up. It takes more than simply understanding this with your mind, it ultimately takes receiving it in your heart. My prayer was that God would break down any barriers to me fully seeing myself that way He does and living out my purpose. I will tell you that this is a fully loaded prayer honey, full of unknowns and the revealing of blind spots. And yes, OUCH, it hurt to realize how broken I really was and how far off the mark that I was. But God in His infinite love and wisdom took me just as I was and was all too willing to guide me back to the best version of myself. And He wants the same for you. We are a part of God’s beautiful story and He wants us to show up the way He intended and there is nothing but good in His intentions trust me!

So excuse me for making any assumptions because yes I know that it is easier said than done. But who cares right, coming out on the other side a better you is the ultimate goal. I can see a world where we are able to step out of our doors and daily go off into the world in our complete beings because this is how we’re going to change it. We want to leave a legacy of wholeness for our children and those who come after us to follow. My prayer for you is that you always embrace the fullness of who you are and be willing to take the journey to wholeness that will allow you to show up in every area in your life.

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

How To Bring You to The Table in Corporate America

It’s not easy showing up in life as completely yourself, but its so worth the stretch! Find out how I stay true to myself even in Corporate America.

It’s not always easy showing up in life as yourself. Even before social media I tended to tone myself down to make others feel comfortable in my presence. I made myself believe that being me was too much. But what I failed to understand is that those who were and are purposed for my life would embrace all things about me, even the environments I was called to be in. This realization caused me to begin to show up in every aspect of my life. Even in corporate America.

Shirt & Skirt: ASOS Shoes: DSW

Shirt & Skirt: ASOS Shoes: DSW

Most people at first glance don’t even think I’m a lawyer. That’s usually because I refuse to allow others to label me. Being an attorney is not the end all and be all of my existence, it’s what I do as a career. My law firm hired me and keeps me because I show up as my whole self every single day. I give it 100% daily, walk in integrity, keep a positive attitude and my work product is solid.  I’m smart and educated but I’m not the least bit stuffy and I believe this is an asset in my work environment. My colleagues know when I walk in the door, I’m going to say hi to everyone and there is going to be laughter and joy. I believe that my position at my job is not by accident, there is purpose in where I am.  If I tried to be someone else other than who I am, I forfeit the reason that God has me there. I see the higher calling in everything I do, so it is essential that I am me in every environment. You’re not going to get a different Lucretia in a different atmosphere. Yes, I’m always professional but I am also me.

This is also reflected in the way I dress. I bring chic and fun to business casual at the office and flair to the suit look in court. Have I sometimes received comments, yes, usually by people who are intimidated by my freedom. I can’t be at my best if I don’t show up in the room and take MY seat at the table. It took process for me to get to this place as with any growth. But it was worth the stretch. And I believe it will be worth it for you as well. If you’re in a place that does not value your individuality and significance rethink it, create a strategy to remove yourself from that place. Never allow life or situations to keep you from owning the fullness of who you are. We need you to show up in the world, not a façade. Being you is not about being obnoxious, it’s about bringing your gifts, talents and skills to the table and allowing them to work for you. Being myself was the best decision I ever made. Do the world a favor and let us see you shine girl!

With Love,


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Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

My Almost Favorite Season

I wouldn’t say summer is my most favorite time of the year but it runs a close second. Here’s how I enjoy it in style!


Jacket & Skirt: Asos

Shoes: Bandolino (several years ago)

Summer is that one time of year when you can really have fun with colors and patterns, while showing a little skin. The warm air somehow brings out the bold in us. While I wouldn’t say summer is my favorite time of year, it runs a close second. I’m a Southern girl at heart so warm weather is my jam. Winter is nice in theory but by the time Christmas has passed, I’m pretty much over it. Growing up in Miami had me really spoiled. Being able to wear shorts and sandals all year does sometime to you. So when the weather starts heating up I get excited!

Summer is fun because I can be a lot more daring and teeter a little closer to the edge with my style choices. Especially with these long legs honey, I have to let them go free. So whatever that feature is that you love, give them a little bit more of it this summer.

I equate summer with being able to let your hair down because nothing is ever too overdone or serious.  Kids are out for the summer and the rules are more relaxed. So why not try to bend them a little, at least while the sun is hot. So wear that bold color, show some leg and enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. Because in the blink of an eye it’s gone girl.

With Love,


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