Series: The Secret to Not Giving Up

Let Go of Mistakes

If we allow it, the past can be our greatest ally or the scariest terrorist. To most of us it is a terrorist because we choose to focus on what we perceive as the negative events of our past and bind ourselves to the guilt. I have said this a lot but life is what you make it. And your experiences can either be catalysts for change or quick sand that keeps you stuck. Girl it’s time to free yourself from the anchor of the perception of the past that is drowning you and your future. Here’s how I Jedi (yep I am a Star Wars fan that is hopelessly sad that the saga will soon come to an end) mind trick my life into being what I need it to be, I let go of my mistakes!

Romper: Zara; Glasses: Tory Burch; Ring and Bracelet: Vintage

Romper: Zara; Glasses: Tory Burch; Ring and Bracelet: Vintage

Why do we like to torture ourselves? We make ourselves believe that somehow there is salvation in making ourselves suffer because of the not so great choices we have made. Am I saying keep making the same mistakes, no, but what I am saying is learn from them and move on. Are there consequences to our decisions, yes, whether good or bad. But remember, Jesus died, you are forgiven, believe it and let that sink in. You are not doing yourself or the world any favors by beating yourself up. Please stop allowing your mistakes to keep you from reaching the highest heights of your destiny. What does holding on to mistakes do? It makes us feel unworthy, not good enough. What letting go of our mistakes reminds us of is how wonderfully enough we are. In the end, think about it, what is the guilt exactly helping you to accomplish?  

Letting go of our mistakes, like everything else, is a process. It helps to pray and be totally honest. God already knows and so do you so pretending won’t get you anywhere as well. A part of the hard part of this is being vulnerable. Being willing to look at the not so great parts of your choices and still look in the mirror and believe that you are still worth it. I promise God’s love isn’t going anywhere. (Read Romans 8: 31-39) I like to think of my mistakes as just the thing I needed to show me an area I need to adjust and whip me into shape. Mistakes are not the end of the world…take it from a recovering perfectionist. By the way, I kind of like the fact that I’m not perfect, because that way every part of me that is good God gets the glory because he is the reason for it.  

Holding on to our mistakes has detrimental effects on our ability to not give up on our dreams. Feeling worthy plays a huge part in realizing the greatest vision for our lives. Unworthiness can lead to feelings that we are not capable of doing what our gifts state that we are absolutely capable of accomplishing. The moment any frustration creeps in we are ready to turn back to what makes us comfortable. When you are confident in yourself and your capabilities no matter the setback, you can dust yourself off and keep going. There is no shame in landing on the ground, but the grit is in getting back up. Learning from and then letting go of what made you fall will make your dreams live. Don’t let the past take up to much space, the present and the future are craving what you have to offer and so is the world. Don’t make us have to live without what you have to give.

With Love,


Photos and Editing by: Lucretia L. Scruggs


Series: The Secret to Not Giving Up


Finding Joy in the Process