Series: The Secret to Not Giving Up

Part 2: Little Moments Lead to Big Moments

I found that one of my biggest frustrations was not recognizing that every day of my life matters.  There is purpose in the routine and the seemingly mundane. It is always about perspective. Life builds upon itself. Every day is an opportunity to be great. Each day provides hidden gems of lessons.  

Jacket: Thrift; Shirt: Universal Standard; Shorts: Boohoo; Shoes: BCBG Generation

Jacket: Thrift; Shirt: Universal Standard; Shorts: Boohoo; Shoes: BCBG Generation

I realized that I made my process so much harder when I thought that life was all about the big moments. We’re so often in search of those moments that we forget to be present right now. It takes these present moments to get to the win. And of course social media doesn’t help when we are constantly seeing someone else’s highlight reel. But as we all might be aware the most special moments of our lives are often the little things. Those aha moments that don’t get expressed on social media but lead to us bettering ourselves. Or it can be a text message from a friend encouraging you. Also those times when we are just sitting at home resting.  I’m sure someone with any notoriety will advise us to cherish those moments, to cherish the moments of the climb because it makes the win worth it.  

I know, I know your life might look pretty basic right now, but there is purpose in basic. Basic builds character and strengthens discipline. Basic teaches us how to wait on God. Basic humbles us and makes us realize that we are not entitled to greatness and God’s plan is so much bigger than us. Basic is a training ground. God knows the exact timing of your win. He knows how long you need to stay in training so that when you win you can sustain it. Why would a good Father set you up to fail?

It’s time we start changing our attitudes about the present or things we see as routine. You are not promised tomorrow. I think it is pretty arrogant to waste a day when you don’t have control over whether you will live to see the next day. I am strong proponent for giving my all every day. I love to get home each day and know that I’ve given it my best. I pray that God affords me many years on this earth, but I’m not going to waste a moment of the time I am given here. I want my legacy to be that I used every ounce of my potential.

Yes, big moments are great. I am not trying to downplay the winning moments. But keep in mind there is no one win. In life there are going to be multiple wins. Life doesn’t stop once we reach a goal. We all should be on a constant journey of growth. So after that win, there is more process so we can continue to elevate to each new level and at the same time go deeper in our relationship with God.

With Love,


Photos and Editing by: Lucretia L. Scruggs


Blast From the Past


Series: The Secret to Not Giving Up