The Ministry of No

I promised in my post about self-care that I would write on this topic. Because I felt that it was subject worth going into further detail. Sometimes the super woman has to take off her cape and be real.  I often pride myself on having a big heart but I’ve learned that having a big heart does not mean becoming a human rug for people to walk all over. In life balance is very important. This was a hard won lesson but I’m finally to the point in my life where I’m prioritizing my own experience. My purpose requires that I value how I respond to the world and how it responds to me.

Sweater: Thrift; Jeans: Vintage Levi’s; Head Scarf: The Wrap Life; Glasses: Natural Girls Rock

Sweater: Thrift; Jeans: Vintage Levi’s; Head Scarf: The Wrap Life; Glasses: Natural Girls Rock

            If you allow it the world will consume without stopping and you have to be willing to tell the world and the people in it no. Any opportunity that pushes you beyond what is healthy is not for you. I understand operating in a spirit of excellence. I also understand not wanting to reject opportunities. But we have to trust God enough to know that what is for us is for us and it can’t be taken away. Doing anything out of fear or a scarcity mentality is never good for us. We will only end up burnt out and outside of purpose. It is important that we listen to the voice of God in our lives and adhere to the scripture “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5.

            The ministry of no is also important in our personal lives as well. Our loved ones are special to us no doubt and we often feel this pull from them that we don’t feel from any other thing or people in our lives. But loving our family and friends is not always about being willing to say yes, there are times when it is important to say no, for our own sanity and for everyone’s well-being. If God doesn’t always give us what we want, then we have to have this same attitude towards the people we love as well. Love means doing what’s best for all involved even if that best means saying no to preserve and protect your own person. We are never at our best when we allow ourselves to be depleted. God is limitless we are not, do yourself a favor and learn to say no.

            By the way, this in no means is a license to be obnoxious or selfish. As I stated above, balance is essential. But this is a chance for all of us to take the time to think before we act. This is a reminder that in life we have choices. Take the time to choose what’s best in any given situation and sometimes what’s best means saying N.O. Thank me later!

With Love,



How to Speak Without Saying a Word: What Your Style Says About You


Self-Care Starts With the Little Things