Self-Care Starts With the Little Things

The phrase self-care has been thrown around a lot lately and I am afraid that many of you may think that this means going out and doing something big and extravagant. Yes, sometimes it does mean getting a fancy massage, by the way I could use one of those, but more often than not it just means taking the time to love on yourself in a meaningful way. Taking the time to love on yourself will always translate to a better you.

Shirt: Thrift

Shirt: Thrift

Oftentimes, we as women get so bogged down with the weight of pursuing our dreams, taking care of our families, and being the nurturers that we were created to be that we find ourselves trying to take care of the world to our own detriment. It is never a bad thing to turn that in on ourselves. Self -care is not synonymous with being selfish. Let go of the guilt trip girl and take those needed moments for you. Make it simple at first, like taking a bath instead of shower, taking a quiet moment in the morning or in the evening for yourself, or just doing something that you really enjoy.

Isn’t it funny that men tend to not have this problem, what so ever. They’re not afraid to ask for the things they want. Women tend to be a little less assertive when it comes to making sure our own needs are met and that needs to change. How can we be the best in any role in our lives when we’re not in tune with our inner self. That is basically what self-care is all about. Taking time to listen to that inner voice and taking steps to ensure that she is heard and served. I admit it does take a little getting use to, but creating good habits are what we are all about.

I had to be reminded of this a couple of weeks ago when I hit a wall and had to take a half day from work. I was mentally tired but I hadn’t taken the time to listen to my inner voicve screaming at me to slow down and take a moment. I was in superwoman mode and was trying to be everything to everyone but myself. I had to kick myself in the butt for letting it get that far. Even when we know better it doesn’t always mean we act on it. So this might be that push you need, don’t let it get as bad as I did, to take that meaningful moment for yourself. One of the best things I learned in that moment was using my voice for the benefit of me and the ministry of no. We’ll talk more about the ministry of no in the future. But don’t forget you have to be your best advocate no one is going to look out for you better than you can.

If you don’t mind I would love for you to comment about some ways you plan to take care of yourself in the coming days. Help another sister out by also sharing tips about how you self-care in your own lives. Let’s take of ourselves first and each other.

With Love,



The Ministry of No


Loving The Skin You're In