The Next Step is Purpose

In my last post I wrote about understanding our value and the importance of asking ourselves the vital question of from where is the definition of our value derived. Once we have fully taken it to heart that our value is intrinsic to our existence on earth then we can move on to the next step which is examining purpose. The question of the week is what is your why?

Over the last few years, I have realized that my why is more than just what I do as a career, but it is the reason God saw fit to allow me to take up space on the earth. After my first job lay off I really began to explore my gifts and talents and the things that I was really passionate about. I realized that though I was smart, there were other aspects of myself that I really never questioned or fully delved into. I leaned too heavily on my intelligence without making room for the other parts of me that made me who I am. I had experimented with my creative side but I had never made it a priority. I realized that meshing my intelligence and creativity was the road to my ultimate fulfillment. I finally understood that I didn’t have to prefer one over the other I could have both and thrive in them. I understand now that purpose is multidimensional and can flow out of the same vessel.  

My why is the reason I started writing this blog. I realized that my knack for writing, my love for fashion/beauty and my compassion for others could all live in one space. And there was born Intellect in Heels a place where all of me could live in the light and a place where you could feel unafraid to live out your why. I know this sounds rather simple but I have to be real with you it takes WORK. You have to be willing to first get to the bottom of your why and then take the steps to make it a reality in your life. You also have to understand that unpacking the fullness of your purpose is a never ending journey. There are levels to this girl. You have to know that there will be fearful moments, confusing moments and moments when you question if it’s even worth it. But I guarantee you that it is and I haven’t even gotten close to reaching my fullest potential.

Jacket: ASOS; Shirt and Pants: Thrift

Jacket: ASOS; Shirt and Pants: Thrift

I have chosen to put my heart on display in hopes to inspire you to not just settle for what life throws at you but understand that you have a choice. It’s not easy because I never know the response that I’m going to receive. But if it helps one woman to discover her true destiny, it’s well worth it to me. I do this not because there is some big bank roll at the end of the tunnel but because I know it was what I was born to do and this is who I was born to be. My life looks nothing like I thought it would but it’s better than I could have ever imagined. I get such a sense of peace from doing what I love. One thing that I ask of you is to be willing to ask yourself the scary questions or lose out on the opportunity to live your best life for real. Ask the question, do the work and thrive.

With Love,



My Favorite Season


Intrinsic Value