My Favorite Season
So do you remember when I said that summer was my second favorite season, well we are on the cusp of what I deem as the best season ever!!! And that season is Fall/Autumn.
Sweatshirt: Thrift; Shorts: H&M (2016); Boots: Steve Madden
I absolutely love the Fall. It just always feels like a new beginning for me. I‘m not sure but it may be the residual effects of loving school and Fall being when the new school year starts in the states. But that feeling of renewal has never left me and I always feel like I get to start fresh. Fall is also a time of deep reflection for me, it’s like I get even more intentional about where my life is going and making sure that I’m in alignment with my purpose.
Therefore, it’s no question that in the spirit of the season, I am doing something new that I am really excited about. I am taking new steps in my financial journey that will not only set up me up to live the life I want but to set up a future that those who come after me can stand upon. I’ve always been good at budgeting, but I was stuck and needed to take it to a point where I was making sure my money was working for me. My first goal is pay off credit card debt by mid 2019, second goals paying off car note while also saving for home purchase (mid 2020) and lastly begin to invest more intentionally and wisely, (by the way, this is a total transparent moment for me but I want to hold myself accountable and I want you to hold me to it as well).
But Fall never ceases to bring out this desire in me to take it one step further in my growth and faith walk. I don’t know if Fall is your favorite season, but I invite you to think about something in your life that needs some special attention, and then take the necessary steps to get that thing taken care of. Make that plan and then execute it girl. It is never too late to start fresh. Yea, I know we only have four more months left in the year, but I allow the energy of the season to motivate me to go just a little further. Therefore, I set my self up for an even better year as the new year comes around. As the weather begins to cool and I dust off my boots (who doesn’t love a cute pair of boots), I also dust off my mind. Time to begin a new lesson in this journey called life.
Let me know in the comments if you love Fall as much as I do and why?
With Love,