Lucretia Scruggs Lucretia Scruggs

Back From Hiatus

Time to get this summer party started!

Hey girl hey…did you miss me?!

All jokes aside, I missed writing and communicating with you all. But to be able to give you the best from me I had to do some self -care. To be really transparent I felt stuck. I wanted to give more and do more but I didn’t know exactly how to go about doing that. The solution: get quiet and listen.

Shirt, Skirt, Scarf and Hat: ThriftShoes: Jessica Simpson circa 2017

Shirt, Skirt, Scarf and Hat: Thrift

Shoes: Jessica Simpson circa 2017

Social media like everything has its good and bad, but one of the downsides is that it creates inner noise and can be a huge distraction. I needed to make some crucial decisions and I needed time to pour back into myself. So, yep I went missing ya’ll. Ya girl was like bye, see you next month and I am so glad that I did. One thing that I always stick to when it comes to this blog is coming from my heart. If I can’t come from that place then I’m not showing up because I’m not one to be fake. In our society we get enough of that already.

I am back and I’ve gained a much needed perspective shift. God is good! I humbled myself before Him and He showed up and showed out. Prayers were answered and I am prepared to give you more.  And hopefully I won’t have to take another month hiatus LOL! But if it becomes necessary a girl has gotta do what a girl’s gotta do! Take it from me…do not be afraid to take time for yourself. You can’t give from an empty well. And I promise you won’t miss out on anything. I believe it’s more important not to miss out on yourself. The world will not fall apart while you get your life together.

I am looking forward to getting this summer party started. Let’s have some fun!


With Love,


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Lifestyle, Editor's Pick Lucretia Scruggs Lifestyle, Editor's Pick Lucretia Scruggs

Book Review: Faith Future Forward by Chad Veach

I promise reading this book will put a skip in your step as you walk out faith.

“Faith Forward Future” was an unexpected surprise and blessing to me. Chad Veach came to preach at my church a few Sundays ago and I was led to purchase his book. His preaching was so inspirational that I wanted to hear more of what he had to say.

I will admit that when I first started reading this book, I thought that there was not much else that I could learn or grasp about faith, but I was interested in reading it anyway. My faith is tight right. But this book unlocked another dimension of faith for me and helped me to go that much deeper and I am so grateful. Who knew that in the midst of reading this book, I would need its words to carry me through some tough life moments.  If anyone knows me, they know that I am passionate about God and my journey of purpose and I want so much to live out God’s plan for my life. But there are times when God’s plan gets a little hazy and I needed a reminder of who He is and what great faith looks like.

This book did that for me, it was an awesome reminder. Chad Veach has an uncanny way of disarming you with his humor and realness in this book.  He’s very transparent, human and relatable. There’s no sense of I’m the Pastor that has it all together and you need to listen. It’s more like I am just like you and this is what God has done for me, this is what God’s word says and therefore this is what He can do for you. He teaches you practical ways to live a life of faith, from receiving God’s grace, overcoming failures and pushing forward. This book is not theoretical, I learned the touch, feel and smell of faith. I learned real ways that I could move forward in my walk.

I don’t want to spill all the beans so to sum it all up, I literally carve out moments in my day just so I could get to this book because it spoke to me tremendously. I was excited about what I would read next. God knew exactly what I would need, so he sent me this book. If you’re reading this I believe God is sending it to you as well. I promise reading this book will put a skip in your step as you walk out faith.

Thank me later!!

With Love,


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Health Lucretia Scruggs Health Lucretia Scruggs

My Healthy Girl Routine

Remember the more you plan the better the outcome. Plan to succeed!! Here’s a little inspiration to keep you motivated on your health journey to becoming a better you.

Hey girl hey…time to return to the conversation about our health.  Yea, it’s April, meaning the first quarter is almost over.  I can only hope that your resolve to remain healthy is still in full gear. If you’ve lost a little steam, that’s okay, it’s never too late to push the reset button and get it poppin once again. The one thing that I don’t want you to do is give up. Like anything in life, results mean even when we falter, dusting ourselves off, and getting back into the game. With that said, I want to provide you all with a little inspiration by providing insight into my own routine.

Here we go:

1.       I schedule my work out into my weekly planner.

2.       I map out the type of exercise for each day: being specific helps.


3.       I listen to my body and exercise accordingly. Morning or evening depending on how well I’ve slept or according to my body’s needs. My normal is morning because it’s when I have the most energy.

4.       I exercise: I tend to do total body work outs because I get in my cardio and sculpting at the same time. (If you want a good at home work out – check out Jeanette Jenkins (The Hollywood Trainer)…she’s tough but you get results. The better your workout, the more you’ll continue to burn calories throughout the day. I also as you know dance. If you want to see some of my skills checkout  my post on my dance performance (shameless plug).

5.       I hydrate during the course of the day. This is the hardest but most essential. I’m always working on drinking more water.

6.       I’m all about 80/20. 80% healthy/clean and 20% all that other stuff. It works well because I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself. It keeps me at a good balance. I’m not a nutritionist but I try to get a good serving of fruit, veggies and good protein. I also do my best to stay away from unhealthy snacks. My saving grace is being a good snacker (I know that’s not a word) :-)   


7.       I sleep!! My secret weapon. I’m all about having my full 7 to 8 hours. It keeps me energized and free from sickness. Sleep combined with eating well will fuel your workouts and give you your best results.

And that’s all folks. For any questions call …haha just kidding. But I hope this was helpful. Remember the more you plan the better the outcome. Plan to succeed!! Thank me later.

With Love,


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Fashion Lucretia Scruggs Fashion Lucretia Scruggs

Fash Friday!!

A Fash Friday Surprise! The Pierre Cardin Exhibit is showing now at the SCAD FASH Museum. Here's a snippet of the greatness!

If you’ve been following me for a while you know how much I love the SCAD FASH Museum in Atlanta. They have the dopest fashion exhibits. Every time a new one begins I am changing my schedule trying to get there. There is always so much meaning behind and care that SCAD takes with the exhibits. Just for a little background SCAD FASH is an extension of the Savannah College of Art and Design. It’s located in Midtown Atlanta. I believe it’s been open now for about three years and I am in love.

The latest exhibit is Pierre Cardin: Pursuit of the Future and the clothes are gorgeous as well as the presentation. They never cease to amaze me or let me down. So for this Fash Friday, I decided to surprise you all with a snippet of the greatness. It’s on view from now until September 30, 2018. So if you are in the Atlanta area, you should definitely check it out. You will not be disappointed.

Thank me later!!

With Love,


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Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Lucretia Scruggs Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Lucretia Scruggs

Book Review: SOAR by Bishop T.D. Jakes

If you are ready for something that will change how you do life and business, choose SOAR. This book will give you the wings you need to fly in every endeavor, thank me later!!


                If you’re looking for your typical spiritual guide then this book will not be for you. For those who are thinking about starting their own business then this book will definitely provide some much needed insight. I will admit that I wasn’t prepared for all this book had to offer and it took a little while to get into it, but once I did I realized what a powerful resource this book is.

                The first step is to really get yourself into a business state of mind. You can’t approach this book thinking that it is going to be a simple read through.  It is an unexpected jolt of reality. It is a truth serum that dispels myths about being an entrepreneur, while also providing intricate tips for how to make your business SOAR. It is a book straight from his heart. It is obvious in the details that this is something that he cares deeply about. I believe that an area that the church has fallen short in in the past is teaching its patrons how to live in the world and make the most of it. I believe that we are placed on this earth to live out a purpose and this book helps the reader to sort that out. We can live in the world without being lost in it. It is important to understand the imprint that we are supposed to leave.

                This book is a resource that you will have to return to over and over again just to make sure you get it all.  And to also keep reaching back into the deep well of wisdom and knowledge that Bishop Jakes provides. If you are really seeking purpose outside of the normal course of business, then you don’t want to put this book back on the shelf. A few years ago I decided to go back to school to get my MBA. I took an entrepreneurship course and this book is right in line with the things I learned. I’m not suggesting to anyone to go out and get a degree but I am suggesting if you want really good business advice choose this book. I actually would have loved this book to be a part of our text when I was in school. Because you can’t just read this book, you have to study it. And don’t worry Bishop Jakes is gifted in intertwining the spiritual with the practical. So God is definitely a part of the details of his writing.

If you are ready for something that will change how you do life and business, choose SOAR. This book will give you the wings you need to fly in every endeavor, thank me later!!

With Love,


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Editor's Picks Lucretia Scruggs Editor's Picks Lucretia Scruggs

A Dance Lesson

Last Fall I had to ask myself a very important question, why did I ever stop dancing. So I challenged myself to step out of the "adulting" box and start dancing again. Sometimes life will make you leave behind the things you enjoy, but I had allowed life to steal my dance for too long. I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to my first Dance 101 class. While waiting for the actual class I had come for, I watched the previous Salsa class and was intrigued. The next Saturday I tried it and was hooked. Never did I imagine this one class would bring me so much happiness and would take me on an unforgettable adventure.



This class would lead me to join the performance series after a much needed push by my instructor. There were some serious long nights, I have the foot pain and callouses to proof it. But what’s progress without pain right, exactly! And there was also something in it that was an unexpected perk, this group of ladies from all walks of life became dance partners and friends.



I say all of this to say, that if there is something that you have neglected in your youth that you think about starting again or if there is something you always wanted to try, please do it. I promise that there is so much attached to the opportunity and joy that you will find when you take the chance on yourself.

See our dance below.

With Love,


P.S. If you’re thinking about adding a little Salsa to your life. Bene’s Salsa Blast can be taken at Dance 101 Alpharetta on Saturday at 10:30AM.


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Lifestyle Lucretia Scruggs Lifestyle Lucretia Scruggs

How to Maintain Your Happy Place from a Christian Perspective

There are so many things in life that are beyond our control. But we do have the choice to determine how we perceive and deal with those things. Everyday we have the opportunity to make the decision to be happy and at peace no matter what comes our way. Following is a list of how I make that happen daily.

1.       Start each morning with prayer -- This is essential to your day. Aligning your life with God before you began your day is the way you keep winning. I take this time very seriously and I feel that it is my privilege to be able to go before Him and request His guidance for the day ahead. You cannot loose when you prioritize Him and make Him first even as you start your day.


2.       Read the Bible-- It is important to make time to do numbers 1 and 2, preferably in the morning. I make time in my daily schedule to do both so I am not rushed and I can actually take time to meditate on the word and sit in God’s presence. If we can find the time to get other things done we can make sure we are prioritizing the One that makes it all happen.


3.       Don’t allow negative thoughts to persist-- When you feel yourself slowly falling into the pity party, snap out of it. In order to be successful at this you have to be really self-aware. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts, and that also means from our own negative thoughts as well. It is important to pay attention to the thoughts you are having and exercise self-control. When negative thoughts persist remind yourself of who God is and who you are in Him. That is why it is so essential to read the Bible because without the knowledge of who God is, it’s hard to defeat negative thoughts with a mind towards Christ.


4.       Focus on all the ways you are blessed/Be Grateful-- This flows from number 3. When I start feeling myself getting negative I start counting my blessings.  And soon I began to realize that my situation is not as bad as I’m making it out to be. I am also reminded that God has it handled and He always comes through. There has never been a time in my life when I called on God and He has let me down.


5.       Let go-- This is a reminder that we are not in control and we have to allow God to fight our battles. Some situations are beyond our human capabilities for a reason, to show that God has the ultimate say. God wants to demonstrate His power and goodness in and through our lives, allowing ourselves to be surrendered to Him makes this possible.

Thank me later!

With Love,


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Lifestyle Lucretia Scruggs Lifestyle Lucretia Scruggs

Discipline: My Key to Life

Photo by: Savannah Avril Photography

Photo by: Savannah Avril Photography

If I had a super power it would be discipline. I am truly giving away the secret to my strength. I have learned the secret to getting things done in life. My definition of discipline is doing what needs to be done even when you don’t feel like it. I have made this such a habit that it has mostly become my default setting. I say mostly because I do have my lazy days, but I’m usually able to whip myself into shape rather quickly. This is my advice and I know you didn’t ask for it, but I’m giving it anyway. Thank me later!

What do I think it takes to live a disciplined lifestyle? It’s all about your perspective. First, you have to embrace the fact that a lot of life is made up of things we would prefer not to do. Dump the pity party and get over yourself, because those things are not going away. The crust of this portion of my advice is basically getting over you and the sense of entitlement that we sometimes have. Life is no respecter of person, what you give out is what you get in return. So when you are willing to tough it out and get things done life will reward you. I say this to myself a lot, why make life harder than it already is, so don’t add to the confusion. I believe discipline helps all of us to lessen the confusion and dysfunction of everyday life.

The second portion of my advice piggy backs off of the first and that is simply to get over your feelings. Stay out of your feelings girl. Feelings often point us in a certain direction and it is up to us to discern the deeper meaning behind what we feel at any given time. Once we uncover what is the cause of those feelings we can move forward in a meaningful way.  This detracts us from getting stuck in a place and not getting things done. For example, if I happen to feel sad and I know it’s getting in the way of the things needs I need to do. I take the time to get in touch with that feeling so that I can understand its meaning and move on. Being stuck in a sad place, sucks away time and energy. Feeling happy can also become a distraction as well. I love being happy and it tends to make me want to go off and do a bunch of fun stuff instead of focusing. Same things applies, acknowledge your happy place, but let it motivate you to accomplish goals instead of only having fun.

My goal for this blog is to share my journey but also encourage you to live your best life. We often mistake living that best life with a lack of the downs of life.  But weathering the downs make life interesting and help us to grow. Discipline is my way of tempering those downs. Because the more you get accomplished the more those accomplishments push you forward and thwart feelings of helplessness and discouragement. I implore you to adopt a strategy in your life to become more disciplined, you won’t be disappointed in the results. Stay on the up and up my good people!

With Love,


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Lifestyle Lucretia Scruggs Lifestyle Lucretia Scruggs

Book Review: The Hollywood Commandments, A Spiritual Guide to Secular Success by Devon Franklin



If you are familiar with Devon Franklin you know that he is inspiration on steroids. He is the actualization of motivation and his third book “The Hollywood Commandments, A Spiritual Guide to Secular Success,” does not disappoint. If you need that extra push to go after your dreams this is definitely the book for you. If you want to remain safe then skip this one.

It is really the type of book that gets under your skin. Once you are immersed in it, it grabs you and forces you to ask important questions about yourself, your journey and your life. If you are a church girl like me. You understand all too well how complicated it can be to merge and balance faith with “real life,” this book is the answer. It meshes together the spiritual and the practical in a way that is easy to understand and to apply. The Hollywood Commandments is not about theory, it’s about real life application. It’s about how to get what’s inside of you out and all for the glory of God in the end.

What I especially love about Devon Franklin’s writing is he’s very transparent about his life. It makes you feel like you are not alone, like if he could do it based on the circumstances he has faced then so can I. I really appreciate that he always comes off as human. Therefore, reading his book is like this one on one exchange from one human to another, encouraging each of us to win. It helps the reader to understand that there are no favorites when it comes to success. We all have the potential to be winners, and it is up to us to take the necessary steps.

I’m not going to give anything away because the reading of this book is an individual experience.  So, if you are ready to be nudged in the right direction, I implore you to read this book.

Thank me later!!

With Love,


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Health Lucretia Scruggs Health Lucretia Scruggs

Know Thyself: Understanding What Works for You When it Comes to Your Health

Health is not one size fits all. And I believe that it is important to find the plan that works best for us as individuals. Winning in our health means finding what works and that means getting down to the details. 


Yes, it is the beginning of the year and I know some of us have made the infamous resolution/goal to be healthy in 2018. And I believe the greatest mistake we make with our health is trying a one size fits all model. I agree that exercising and eating healthy/balanced meals are the keys to anyone’s success. But figuring out what eating habits and exercise plans work for you is an individual endeavor.

 First, knowing your body type and how your body responds to certain activity is important. We tend to ignore this step and jump head first into a health plan that may or may not work for us. If we want to remain consistent we need plans that actually work. If you don’t already know your body, get to know it. (By the way when was your last Doctor’s Appointment)?

Secondly, health is not just about losing weight for the moment, but a new lifestyle. Health should be as much a habit as brushing your teeth. But we tend to lose momentum when we start something that isn’t giving us results. It is important to understanding your life. Are you a day or night person? (This is useful information to determine the best time for you to exercise). What is your schedule like? How far do you commute to work? What is your budget? Are you self-motivated or not? Do you have a family? These are all vital questions that we need to ask ourselves if we want to be successful. But most of us don’t ask ourselves any questions and we expect to win. If health is going to be a lifestyle change then identifying what space you are in is essential.  When we take time to understand our lives then we leave no room to compare our journey to others.

Just some “food” for thought and my two cents, but if you don’t remember anything else I said, remember to do it for you.  I’ve deemed 2018 the year of intention. That means our actions have to be intentional and purposeful. Superficiality is not the way. We can’t perform at our greatest by just hovering just above the surface of our lives. We’re in this to win, so before you go any further into this year, pause and re-access. You are your greatest asset.

With Love,


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Fashion Lucretia Scruggs Fashion Lucretia Scruggs

Don't Let The Clothes Wear You

Style + Clothes = You 

Photo by: Savannah Avril PhotographyBlouse: Zara; Skirt: Express (2013); Shoes: Zara

Photo by: Savannah Avril Photography

Blouse: Zara; Skirt: Express (2013); Shoes: Zara

For me the name of the game is inspiration vs. being a copycat. I get all kinds of ideas about looks that I like from others but I always make the look true to who I am. You will find that this is a theme throughout my posts. Being authentic is everything to me. I want the things that I wear to speak without me ever having said a word. A part of my voice comes from the clothes I wear.

There is nothing wrong with style trends, I’m all about change, so my advice is to always be clear about what does and does not work for you. Don’t just adopt a style just because it’s what’s popular at the time. People like to tell me, because I’m thin, that I can wear anything. That is far from the truth, I’m thin and I have long legs so I am clear of what will and will not complement my body.

Therefore, my second piece of advice is to be body aware. Study the things about yourself that you love and complement those things. Please do not overly focus on your problem areas. Chile my daily goal is to conceal and highlight. Just like when doing your make-up. Conceal the not so great and highlight the heck out the best parts of you. Style is not only about putting on the clothes, it’s about how the clothes make you feel. Style is about 80% mental. If I feel good about how I look, I feel invincible. And I’m sure I am not the only one.

Photo By: Savannah Avril PhotographySweater, Pants and Ring: Thrift Finds (@advancedthrifter); Earrings: Natural Girls Rock

Photo By: Savannah Avril Photography

Sweater, Pants and Ring: Thrift Finds (@advancedthrifter); Earrings: Natural Girls Rock


So the message here is not to be anyone but who you are. And it’s always a good idea to find out who that self is at the end of the day. If you don’t take anything else away from this, please remember that clothes + you = style.

With Love,


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Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Lucretia Scruggs Lifestyle, Editor's Picks Lucretia Scruggs

I'm Not Okay

Do not build walls so high that no one has the ability to give us the help that we need. We definitely need to get to a place where we are comfortable with our vulnerabilities and we’re in relationship with people that will protect them.


This is going to confirm my nerd status, but there is a line in one of the Harry Potter movies “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” that really struck a cord with me. Harry had hurt his arm in a Quiditch match and he was asked if he was okay. And his response was, “No, I think my arm is broken.” And it made me think about what most of us would have said. Or more intimately what I would have said, which would have been, yes, but my arm is broken. I hope you see the difference in those statements. But let me clarify what I mean.

Why are we so afraid to admit that we are not okay?  Harry was right, having a broken arm is not okay. But why are we so willing to pretend that all is well, instead of being vulnerable and allowing ourselves to be helped? By first saying yes we build a wall that doesn’t allow us the access to the aide that we need. If I say I am fine, then my injury doesn’t get the care it deserves because the assumption is that it’s not so bad. Doing it for the gram is leaving people empty and hurting.  Because sometimes it is that bad.

Please understand that I am preaching to myself as well. A small caveat: this is not to say we should give everyone access to our vulnerabilities. But I am saying that we shouldn’t build walls so high that no one has the ability to give us the help that we need. We definitely need to get to a place where we are comfortable with our vulnerabilities and we’re in relationship with people that will protect them. I am not an expert in this area because I have held my emotions close for a long time. But I realize that that is not the healthiest route to take. So I vow that the next time I’m having a moment and someone asks me how I am, I’m going to speak my truth and come from a place of honesty. And I think you should too. Let’s all make a commitment to ourselves to grow in this area of our lives. Even though society says we have to have it all together all the time, let’s dispel that lie. And let’s create safe places so that we can all be great!

With Love,


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Lifestyle Lucretia Scruggs Lifestyle Lucretia Scruggs

Use What You Have Where You Are

Life is definitely what you make it and don’t be afraid to make it beautiful.

It took a lot for me to start this blog. Why you might ask? Because I thought I had to have it all together. And by having it all together meant it all had to be close to perfect. But what I learned really quickly is that perfect doesn’t exist. We can do things in excellence without life being perfect. It is okay to start where you are with what you have. The most important element to any endeavor is you.

I truly believe that once you start putting one foot in front of the other everything will fall into its rightful place. Waiting for that one moment to come when your perfect opportunity and perfect life will fall from the sky is an illusion. Things will only fall into place when you take what you have and apply it. Comparing your journey and gifts to someone else won’t help either. This journey God specifically tailored just for you and you have to take that knowledge and run with it.

Life is definitely what you make it and don’t be afraid to make it beautiful. Most of the time we hide behind trying to make things perfect because of fear. It gives us an excuse to back out and avoid failure. But when we refuse to take risks, we refuse ourselves the real opportunities. And those opportunities are to grow, stretch and become our purpose. There is nothing comfortable about stepping out of what we feel is safe, but in it there is true freedom.

So here I am giving you a taste of my freedom through this blog. Trust me I have no clue how this thing is going to turn out or what it will turn into. But my hope and vision is that it inspires you to do that uncomfortable thing, that uneasy thing that will bring you to your place of freedom.

Photos by: Savannah Avril Photography

With Love,


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Editor's Picks Lucretia Scruggs Editor's Picks Lucretia Scruggs

Welcome to my New Space


Welcome to my New Space

I know that if you have been following me for a little while you are wondering why is she changing her website/branding what is this all about? For those who are new to this site, here’s the story. When I started my website The In Between I was in an in between place. I was figuring out my voice on this type of platform and what was it that I really wanted to relay. I was also in an in between place in life as well and it was a way for me to inspire myself and others. I wanted others, especially women, to understand that life didn’t have to be perfect in order to find contentment and to pursue dreams.

But their came a time when God began to continuously press in my spirit to take this to a new level. One day I began to pray about what this new space would be named. I literally woke up in the middle of the night and it came pouring out of me and I knew it was time. It was time to challenge myself and take a new risk. It was time to take a big step in faith once again.

I hope you enjoy this leap of faith. Together we are going to explore spirituality, life, style, beauty, health and so much more. I pray that from this platform you are inspired to take your own leaps of faith and live life to the fullest. I pray that it challenges us to become the best versions of ourselves. Mediocrity doesn’t exist in this space.

Remember we are all in this together. Join me on this journey and let’s do great things stylishly.

With Love,


Photos by Savannah Avril Photography @emberwolves

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