How to Maintain Your Happy Place from a Christian Perspective

1.       Start each morning with prayer -- This is essential to your day. Aligning your life with God before you began your day is the way you keep winning. I take this time very seriously and I feel that it is my privilege to be able to go before Him and request His guidance for the day ahead. You cannot loose when you prioritize Him and make Him first even as you start your day.


2.       Read the Bible-- It is important to make time to do numbers 1 and 2, preferably in the morning. I make time in my daily schedule to do both so I am not rushed and I can actually take time to meditate on the word and sit in God’s presence. If we can find the time to get other things done we can make sure we are prioritizing the One that makes it all happen.


3.       Don’t allow negative thoughts to persist-- When you feel yourself slowly falling into the pity party, snap out of it. In order to be successful at this you have to be really self-aware. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts, and that also means from our own negative thoughts as well. It is important to pay attention to the thoughts you are having and exercise self-control. When negative thoughts persist remind yourself of who God is and who you are in Him. That is why it is so essential to read the Bible because without the knowledge of who God is, it’s hard to defeat negative thoughts with a mind towards Christ.


4.       Focus on all the ways you are blessed/Be Grateful-- This flows from number 3. When I start feeling myself getting negative I start counting my blessings.  And soon I began to realize that my situation is not as bad as I’m making it out to be. I am also reminded that God has it handled and He always comes through. There has never been a time in my life when I called on God and He has let me down.


5.       Let go-- This is a reminder that we are not in control and we have to allow God to fight our battles. Some situations are beyond our human capabilities for a reason, to show that God has the ultimate say. God wants to demonstrate His power and goodness in and through our lives, allowing ourselves to be surrendered to Him makes this possible.

Thank me later!

With Love,



A Dance Lesson


Discipline: My Key to Life