How To Bring You to The Table in Corporate America
It’s not always easy showing up in life as yourself. Even before social media I tended to tone myself down to make others feel comfortable in my presence. I made myself believe that being me was too much. But what I failed to understand is that those who were and are purposed for my life would embrace all things about me, even the environments I was called to be in. This realization caused me to begin to show up in every aspect of my life. Even in corporate America.
Shirt & Skirt: ASOS Shoes: DSW
Most people at first glance don’t even think I’m a lawyer. That’s usually because I refuse to allow others to label me. Being an attorney is not the end all and be all of my existence, it’s what I do as a career. My law firm hired me and keeps me because I show up as my whole self every single day. I give it 100% daily, walk in integrity, keep a positive attitude and my work product is solid. I’m smart and educated but I’m not the least bit stuffy and I believe this is an asset in my work environment. My colleagues know when I walk in the door, I’m going to say hi to everyone and there is going to be laughter and joy. I believe that my position at my job is not by accident, there is purpose in where I am. If I tried to be someone else other than who I am, I forfeit the reason that God has me there. I see the higher calling in everything I do, so it is essential that I am me in every environment. You’re not going to get a different Lucretia in a different atmosphere. Yes, I’m always professional but I am also me.
This is also reflected in the way I dress. I bring chic and fun to business casual at the office and flair to the suit look in court. Have I sometimes received comments, yes, usually by people who are intimidated by my freedom. I can’t be at my best if I don’t show up in the room and take MY seat at the table. It took process for me to get to this place as with any growth. But it was worth the stretch. And I believe it will be worth it for you as well. If you’re in a place that does not value your individuality and significance rethink it, create a strategy to remove yourself from that place. Never allow life or situations to keep you from owning the fullness of who you are. We need you to show up in the world, not a façade. Being you is not about being obnoxious, it’s about bringing your gifts, talents and skills to the table and allowing them to work for you. Being myself was the best decision I ever made. Do the world a favor and let us see you shine girl!
With Love,