Valuable Lesson

There are valuable lessons to be learned during this time of social distancing. Throughout this time I’ve seen many instances of groupthink. People responding based on what they see others do. It really shows the reality of social media and how we have become a society of imitators and pretenders. Some of us can barely tell the difference between real and fake news because we fail to take the time to do the research ourselves. We see something and we blindly follow it without trying to find out the true details. Most of the mass hysteria that we have faced has been because of this. Have we forgotten how to think for ourselves?

Dress: Max Studio via Nordstrom Rack (2019) Sandals: Zara (2019)

Dress: Max Studio via Nordstrom Rack (2019) Sandals: Zara (2019)

We have allowed the media to create panic and we have allowed that panic to be projected onto one another. Have we really taken the time to access how we really feel about what is going on? Have we stopped to think about the things that we can do to ease confusion and help make the lives of others a little less crazy during this time? Or have we have continued to project fear on to one another?

I believe that this time is best served figuring out what you really think. Not just about this pandemic but about yourself. I think what scares most of us about this time, is having to slow down and take things in. We have to actually face our own lives and thoughts without running out to some social activity to fill the void. We finally have to stop and pay attention and I don’t think that it is a bad thing. We have been forced into rooms and close spaces with ourselves and/or our loved ones. It’s time to get to know each other again, to listen, to be aware, to be in tune with what this time is teaching us. Our journeys are connected and are bigger than each of us as individuals, sometimes it takes times like these to remind us of this. To remind us of how truly important it is for us to connect, to be social and to not take each other for granted. The funny thing is we spend so much time on our phones but when our phones are the only option we find ourselves devoid of something. I pray this moment makes us clear about what is truly important in our lives.

Don’t let this time be in vain.  Are you willing to learn the lessons?

With Love,



The Body You Always Wanted


Survivor's Remorse