
Welcome to my blog. A place where Fashion and Faith Collide. Welcome In!!

The Body You Always Wanted

The Body You Always Wanted

As winter turns into Spring and the hotter months are on the way many of us are talking about our summer bodies, the perfect bodies we think we’ll have because we’ve begun exercising for two minutes. No shade, but we’re always looking to temporary fixes when we really need patience and consistency. But I’m not here to write about your summer body but your year-round body. I believe having the body you want starts way before you hit the gym. It’s about embracing and accepting your body for what it is right now. It doesn’t mean that you can’t look forward to being in better shape or exchange your habits to healthier ones. It does mean that you are going to have to embrace your body and shape for what it is currently. For us older gals we may have to accept the fact that our bodies are not going to be the teenage version of ourselves. And for those of us who have born children, we rarely morph back into the exact old version of ourselves. And it’s not all bad. I love my 30+ curves. It makes me feel more like a woman. I will never be a size 0 again. Yes, I was a size 0 lol! And I am okay with that. I will also never have the full curves of Beyonce’ and I am okay with that too. We have to come to terms with the fact that our bodies are what they are, our bodies will evolve, and all of our bodies will do this differently.

Oversized Button Up: Zara (2019); Biker shorts: Boohoo Slingbacks: H&M

Oversized Button Up: Zara (2019); Biker shorts: Boohoo Slingbacks: H&M

It is important that we learn to embrace the current versions of ourselves and stop trying to fit the new you into the old mold. Figure out your new body without comparing it to others. Especially, Instagram photos that are probably edited to perfection. Fall in love with all of you. The more you fall in love with yourself the more you will want to dress her up and treat her well. Learn what compliments your body and shape now. The better you look the better you will feel. Stop waiting for that day when… you don’t have to be in tip-top shape to look and feel good. Stop denying yourself new clothes and get rid of those rags you know you will never fit in again. Please believe me I have been guilty of this as well. When you lose the weight reward yourself with new threads because those old clothes are probably out of style anyway. The better you feel, the more you will feel confident to show up in rooms and spaces as the best version of yourself.

For example, my job changed to an everyday casual work environment. And while that sounds like an opportunity to not have to try for some. I refuse to use it as an excuse to go to work frumpy. And it’s not because I love fashion but embracing my body and style wherever I am gives me confidence. Don’t allow the world to tell you who you should be or shape how you feel you should dress or look. As the world finally turns the tide toward celebrating all bodies, celebrate your own. We don’t have to wait for society to catch up, let us be the change we want to see. Women are doing so many amazing things but we are still allowing society to tell us how to feel about ourselves. Make the vow to be the best version of yourself and that doesn’t mean being the smallest version either. Let’s make a commitment to love ourselves exactly where and as we are. Hot Girl Summer 2020 is on its way!

With Love,


Why Spring is Becoming My Favorite Time of Year

Why Spring is Becoming My Favorite Time of Year

Valuable Lesson

Valuable Lesson