Life Alert

There are experiences in our lives that remind us of the promises we’ve made to ourselves. I recently had this happen and I am grateful that God finds ways to get through the noise of life to our hearts. Coming out on the other side of this has made me understand how important it is for us to stick with our convictions and not compromise our destiny.

Blouse: Pretty Little Things Shorts: Old Boots: Nasty Gal

Blouse: Pretty Little Things Shorts: Old Boots: Nasty Gal

I would never consider myself a person that settles but sometimes we find ourselves unwittingly in situations where if we don’t remain sharp we do end up slipping into settling for less than God’s best. I know your dream seems so far beyond you, trust me I know. But the magic is in continuing to believe in the promises that God has made. Taping into the deepest parts of ourselves in these moments is what will help us cross the finish line. Even when you love Jesus as much as I do, you can find yourself falling into the trap of limitations.  There are some opportunities that are good opportunities in general but just not for you. If something is not for you it does not make it a bad thing. I think a lot of times we get sidetracked because we think that if an opportunity is not for us it will stink and be so obviously bad for us. But the enemy is cunning, he will present things that are not so bad and slightly off the mark and if we’re not careful or insightful we could easily fall for it.

My secret weapon is that I put God in everything. There is nothing that I believe that I can do without Him. So when things are presented to me, I pray! I never let pride get in the way of letting Him order and guide my steps. I don’t have this without Him. If putting God in everything is my secret weapon, remaining humble is my superpower. On my knees is where I get my wings.

When I decided on the title for this blog post, I immediately thought of the life alert commercials. The commercials where the company advertises these small alarms that aide older people who live alone when there is an emergency situation. I equate that to what happens when experiences come to remind us of our destiny, a life alert. I believe the alert lets us know when we are slightly moving out of alignment and we need that jolt back into place. I believe that it is an emergency situation when we are moving away from God’s promises instead of towards them.

Don’t feel guilty, we’re all imperfect and we all need that nudge from time to time. We all fall asleep at the wheel and get sucked into the routine. Let this serve as a notice to you to not give up if you’ve allowed your dream to fall away because it might have felt more comfortable to settle, shake it off and get back to it. I am ringing the alarm of your destiny!

With Love,



Survivor's Remorse


Round of Applause