How I Maintain My Joy

I know we have been hearing this a lot lately, but those of us from the more recent generations are living in unprecedented times for us. I imagine this is nothing new for the generations that have experienced moments we can only read about in history books. The one thing that I find comfort in is this, that there is nothing new under the sun. If they found a way to move the tide forward and thrive then so can we.

From COVID-19 to the racial unrest, there is a lot going on and it is easy to get lost in it if we are not careful. What helps me is to:

Dress: Forever21 Shoes: Silly Habit Shop Earrings: Frugal Finds NYC

Dress: Forever21 Shoes: Silly Habit Shop Earrings: Frugal Finds NYC

(1)   Trust God. Even when the world is shaking I lean into my faith. God has always been super faithful and He has never let me down. I call on those past moments at this time. I recognize that He has always been my keeper and sustainer. How I keep my trust intact is to pray, pray, and pray some more. I sit at the feet of God daily.

(2)   I remember and remain planted in my purpose. My gifts, talents, and skills have not changed so I have to utilize them even in this. My thought is always how can I use these things to serve the moment and to serve others. I realize that I cannot be anyone other than myself. It does not help anyone for me to operate in a sphere that I am not called into.

(3)   I stay productive. I try to stick to my routine as much as possible. Time is not going to stop because the world is trembling. Keeping a sense of normalcy is helpful. There is so much that is outside of our control so being able to keep a schedule is important to me.

(4)   I get rest. I’m not only talking about sleeping. Don’t feel guilty for needing a reprieve from the world. I am not much of a news watcher but social media has been doing the most as well. On the weekend I am often up for hours without my television even being on. The silence is so refreshing.

(5)   I Laugh. I absolutely love sitcoms. Anybody that knows me knows that my favorite pastime is watching The Golden Girls. I also enjoy watching all of the old sitcoms on Disney+.  I make sure that I make room for laughter, it takes the weight off.

(6)   I hang with my people. I know that COVID-19 has significantly interrupted our social lives. But the great thing about the present is we have Facetime and ZOOM. Throughout these couple of months, I have remained in communication with my people which has been super helpful. Maintaining my community has been essential for me.

These are a few of the ways that have been a constant source of joy for me. We have to make room for joy, especially during this time. It is a valuable asset that I pull upon daily to keep me in a good headspace. I am no good at life if I don’t move from this space. I hope this inspires you to really think about ways to keep your heart lifted. In any way you can I implore you to reflect and be intentional about finding the things in your life that make your heart a little lighter.  

With Love,


Photos: Taken & Edited by Lucretia Scruggs


Summer Paradox


Bigger Than Me