Bigger Than Me

My latest read is “Becoming” by Michelle Obama and yes I am a little late to the game. But I appreciate taking my time to read the book, because now I can read without the fanfare. And I absolutely love it, but this post is not about the book but it is about the thinking it has fostered. I never knew that I could relate so much to her life. There are a lot of parallels in our experiences that have caused introspection within me.

Bodysuit: Topshop  Jeans: Zara

Bodysuit: Topshop Jeans: Zara

One of the thoughts that have come to the surface that is virtually always with me is that my purpose is bigger than me. Life can be hard and it’s easy when you’re going through something or living life day to day to forget that things don’t stop with you or ultimately revolve around you. It is one of the things that have really kept me especially when life got its hardest. I realize that my journey and story is not just about me. It’s about what God is doing through me. I realized that I couldn’t give up because someone is going to need me on the other side of what I was facing. It reminds me of how connected we all are and how important it is for us to understand and walk in our purpose.  

I will warn you that pursuing purpose is not easy. You will be challenged and misunderstood, get used to it, the enemy is out to hinder your forward progress. I also warn you not to be complacent, there is always going to be room for growth, don’t be afraid to elevate. This has sometimes been a challenge for me because you will outgrow people and things. It is scary moving from what you have always known to the unknown believe me it’s not comfortable. I always have to remember my why which is not solely about my purpose but how God is going to use that purpose to bless others. Please don’t give up on your purpose because there is someone who needs you to keep going. And for those of us who have walked away from what you know is your purpose or are afraid to pursue that nudge in your spirit, I hope this reminds you that someone needs your gift and light in their lives because it is bigger than us.

With Love,


P.S. Thank you to everyone that supports me and reminds me of why I keep going.


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