Year End Reflections

I can say without a doubt that this decade has been the most transformative for me. In 2010, upon leaving a very toxic relationship I could not have imagined that this would be on the other side. I would have walked away a lot sooner! I matured into the woman I always wanted to become and I can only give all glory to God for it. He changed my life from the inside out.  The lessons I learned in this season were fully applied this year and it was amazing to see the reality of my growth.  It was the culmination of the work that God had been doing in me and preparation for my next steps.

One of the greatest outgrowths of my transformation was this blog. Taking this step was not only a step of faith but it was a step toward my most authentic self. Commingling my faith, career and my love of fashion was something I never thought was possible. This blog helped me to realize that I had yet to touch the service of my dreams, there was so much for me to do and become. This blog is a testament to things to come and a celebration of what is.

But I wasn’t just deep this year, I also had a lot of fun putting looks together.  My favorite fashion staples that I carried throughout the year were Mom Jeans, Oversized Sports Jacket, Dresses paired with tennis shoes, statement T-shirts, floral prints and black as the new black. For some reason I have fallen in love with monochrome black looks, the ultimate in chic. I have always said that if you want a hint into my psyche check out my style.  Below is a compilation of some of my best looks from this year.


I pray that this decade is the one that we walk out our wildest dreams and make our mark on the world around us for good. Happy New Year and Happy New Decade Loves!!

With Love,


Photos & Editing: Lucretia L. Scruggs

Thumbnail Photo: Julia (@sosweetlychosen)


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