Who I Want to Be on the Other Side of COVID-19

If you read my blogs then you are somewhat like me and this time has made you really thoughtful of what it all means to and for your life. I’ve said this many times but I want to be changed and better on the other side of this Pandemic. There are lessons that I want to learn. There is an understanding that I want to take away. One thing that I have noticed is that there is always a theme that runs through all of our lives. Like our mortality, that nothing is guaranteed and that we are ultimately not in control. But for some reason, we often forget these things until we come face to face with them. I believe the novelty of this time is that we are all facing it together, the entire world. Even those of us that remember 9/11, we were affected by it but for those of us that didn’t live in New York or Washington D.C. our lives were touched but sort of kept moving as normal in a lot of ways. The hardships that we face in life are often isolated. We don’t often know someone who is experiencing the same thing as we are at the same time. COVID-19 has really come to every one of our front doors.

Jacket: ASOS Top: Pretty Little Things Jeans: H&M Sandals: Steve Madden Headband: H&M

Jacket: ASOS Top: Pretty Little Things Jeans: H&M Sandals: Steve Madden Headband: H&M

As scary as this time is I am truly humbled by it as well. My trust and faith in God are at an all-time high because He prepares us for moments like this. Things like this may catch us by surprise but God is never surprised. He has been my keeper through this entire time and I continue to rely on Him for guidance and understanding. I will probably never fully understand the complete providence of this time but I am comforted by God’s presence and the light that He alone provides. I know that I will be forever changed and I want the things that I have so often taken for granted to become sacred to me even when all of this is over. There are those of us who just want things to go back to “normal” to be as they once were. And yes, I want to be able to hang out with family and friends again, go to restaurants, festivals and just be out in the world, absolutely. Our outer way of living will probably return to somewhat normalcy soon but I want my heart to be the hold out for me. I pray to remain grateful for every moment. I pray to be more flexible to the inevitable changes that come with life. I want to be even more generous with my time, gifts and talents. I intend to be more purposeful and intentional as I move through each day. I pray to be mindful of my thoughts and aware of how my actions affect others. I want to always feel connected to others, to understand that we are alike in so many ways.

I know that once we can socialize again we are going to be on an all-time high. Life is going to be fun again, but I pray that the high does not make me lose sight. I realize now more than ever, the blessing of life. The blessings of the privileges that I have in this life. May I always hold them close to my heart.

With Love,



I Used to Know Her


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