Don't Do It For The Likes
I know that most of you have probably heard the question what is your why, in reference to understanding your purpose. But my first question would be what is your motive? What is the catalyst behind why you are pursuing something or a direction in life? If it is to get approval or get likes whether on or outside social media sorry to say you may not last too long.
Dress: Zara
Pursuing a career, a dream takes a lot of work and if your motive is wrong it won’t be enough to sustain you through the tough seasons. Life is a series of ebbs and flows. No wins come without process. In order to survive you have to be motivated by more than people approval. Ummm, because in case you didn’t know not everyone is going to get you or understand your journey. Get used to it. People can be a little fickle, you will not be able to satisfy everyone. You have to be motivated by something deeper than people’s applause because if your identity is tied to that you won’t be a happy person.
And sometimes God holds the applause just for that reason, so that we don’t get caught up in our own hype. God definitely knows how to keep us humble. I am truly grateful for that, because it reminds me that I am not in this alone and He is ultimately in control. Doing this blog thing is no easy feat especially when you are not well known. It is definitely a crawl before you walk situation. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world, because I am learning as I go and also growing along the way. I want this to be authentic for you and for me. I will not despise my small beginning. Pretending to be something that I am not has never been my thing. I would rather have one like and somebody get something from what I am saying, than get a thousand likes for living a lie. Because what is done in the dark will come to light. A lie can only sustain you for so long. I want you all to see the real deal, not only because it’s real to me but so that others will know that it is possible. You might have to start small but you will win.
I am nowhere near where I want to be. I definitely want to reach more women and build my community. But I want that to be authentic because I don’t do this for the likes I do this so that lives can be touched and so that you can be inspired. Whether it be by the words I say or the clothes I wear or a combination of both. I do this from the heart. I hope in all your endeavors you do the same. Make sure you do what you do because it is true to who you are.
With Love,
Photos and Editing: Lucretia L. Scruggs