The Way Isn’t Always Clear
Warning to all those who have to have it all figured out, I’m not saying don’t have goals I’m just saying be flexible. A part of the process is not having the answer.
Shirt: Zara; Shorts: Boohoo
It took me a long time to learn this lesson, to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, to allow spirit to lead the way. I will admit I love taking in information and learning new things. I always have some nuanced piece of information at my disposal lol. But contrary to popular belief I don’t have to know it all or have all of the answers, for every moment of the day or every moment of my life. And you don’t have to all the answers either.
But I used to think that I had to have all the answers for the direction of my life. I had to have answers for the trajectory of my career, my next move and how I was going to get there. But having all the answers doesn’t leave room for God’s most amazing surprises or His real guidance. When you have the answers you fail to listen to the rhythm of your life, the Holy Spirit or your instincts. When you have all the answers you miss out on the real opportunities to become. The goal is not to have it all figured out, the goal is to let God develop you into being the best version of yourself.
It used to make me so uncomfortable when someone would ask me a question about how something in my life was going to unfold that I didn’t have an answer for. Now I just take it in stride, I simply reply I don’t know. The month of July was really hard for me because I really felt like I was in the black hole of not knowing. Nothing that was/is happening makes sense and all the dots aren’t readily connecting. But I had to surrender my need to know, for trusting the ultimate plan of God. We don’t always get the complete story until after we’ve lived through it. Living through it makes you stronger, better and more equipped to handle the responsibility of the lane that God has given you.
The one thing I do know is that God is good and has never failed me. Will I be super happy when this all makes sense…yes, of course and I am quite human. But I know that it’s not in vain and if I knew everything about the future I would probably screw it up. So I will trust God and the process. So no I don’t have all the answers but the answers are in good hands. So if you’re like me and life doesn’t make complete sense don’t feel pressure to make something up, saying I don’t know opens up a world of possibilities.
With Love,
Photos & Editing by: Lucretia L. Scruggs