Health Lucretia Scruggs Health Lucretia Scruggs

My Healthy Girl Routine

Remember the more you plan the better the outcome. Plan to succeed!! Here’s a little inspiration to keep you motivated on your health journey to becoming a better you.

Hey girl hey…time to return to the conversation about our health.  Yea, it’s April, meaning the first quarter is almost over.  I can only hope that your resolve to remain healthy is still in full gear. If you’ve lost a little steam, that’s okay, it’s never too late to push the reset button and get it poppin once again. The one thing that I don’t want you to do is give up. Like anything in life, results mean even when we falter, dusting ourselves off, and getting back into the game. With that said, I want to provide you all with a little inspiration by providing insight into my own routine.

Here we go:

1.       I schedule my work out into my weekly planner.

2.       I map out the type of exercise for each day: being specific helps.


3.       I listen to my body and exercise accordingly. Morning or evening depending on how well I’ve slept or according to my body’s needs. My normal is morning because it’s when I have the most energy.

4.       I exercise: I tend to do total body work outs because I get in my cardio and sculpting at the same time. (If you want a good at home work out – check out Jeanette Jenkins (The Hollywood Trainer)…she’s tough but you get results. The better your workout, the more you’ll continue to burn calories throughout the day. I also as you know dance. If you want to see some of my skills checkout  my post on my dance performance (shameless plug).

5.       I hydrate during the course of the day. This is the hardest but most essential. I’m always working on drinking more water.

6.       I’m all about 80/20. 80% healthy/clean and 20% all that other stuff. It works well because I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself. It keeps me at a good balance. I’m not a nutritionist but I try to get a good serving of fruit, veggies and good protein. I also do my best to stay away from unhealthy snacks. My saving grace is being a good snacker (I know that’s not a word) :-)   


7.       I sleep!! My secret weapon. I’m all about having my full 7 to 8 hours. It keeps me energized and free from sickness. Sleep combined with eating well will fuel your workouts and give you your best results.

And that’s all folks. For any questions call …haha just kidding. But I hope this was helpful. Remember the more you plan the better the outcome. Plan to succeed!! Thank me later.

With Love,


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Health Lucretia Scruggs Health Lucretia Scruggs

Know Thyself: Understanding What Works for You When it Comes to Your Health

Health is not one size fits all. And I believe that it is important to find the plan that works best for us as individuals. Winning in our health means finding what works and that means getting down to the details. 


Yes, it is the beginning of the year and I know some of us have made the infamous resolution/goal to be healthy in 2018. And I believe the greatest mistake we make with our health is trying a one size fits all model. I agree that exercising and eating healthy/balanced meals are the keys to anyone’s success. But figuring out what eating habits and exercise plans work for you is an individual endeavor.

 First, knowing your body type and how your body responds to certain activity is important. We tend to ignore this step and jump head first into a health plan that may or may not work for us. If we want to remain consistent we need plans that actually work. If you don’t already know your body, get to know it. (By the way when was your last Doctor’s Appointment)?

Secondly, health is not just about losing weight for the moment, but a new lifestyle. Health should be as much a habit as brushing your teeth. But we tend to lose momentum when we start something that isn’t giving us results. It is important to understanding your life. Are you a day or night person? (This is useful information to determine the best time for you to exercise). What is your schedule like? How far do you commute to work? What is your budget? Are you self-motivated or not? Do you have a family? These are all vital questions that we need to ask ourselves if we want to be successful. But most of us don’t ask ourselves any questions and we expect to win. If health is going to be a lifestyle change then identifying what space you are in is essential.  When we take time to understand our lives then we leave no room to compare our journey to others.

Just some “food” for thought and my two cents, but if you don’t remember anything else I said, remember to do it for you.  I’ve deemed 2018 the year of intention. That means our actions have to be intentional and purposeful. Superficiality is not the way. We can’t perform at our greatest by just hovering just above the surface of our lives. We’re in this to win, so before you go any further into this year, pause and re-access. You are your greatest asset.

With Love,


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