It May Not Be For You
How many times have you heard 2019 is coming to an end and there is something you need to be doing? Whether it’s setting goals for 2020, being still, or finishing 2019 strong, it’s hard to determine what it is exactly we need to be doing. What if I told you that someone else’s idea should definitely not be what you should be doing. I’m all for gleaning inspiration from social media, but if someone else’s advice does not align with where you are, don’t be afraid to not follow it. 2019 has looked different for each of us, and 2020 will be the same. Follow the path that is right for you. Please do not get caught up in the hype of the ending of the year and the beginning of a new one. Keep living and flowing in your rhythm.
Dress and Purse: Thrift Shoes: Old
Each of our lives is a beautiful and intricate journey and though there are a lot of commonalities between people there is no one experience that is the same. If I could give any advice it would be to find your own rhythm and stick to it. These days everyone is an expert about what we should be doing with our lives and it can be overwhelming. You are the only one that has walked in your shoes, trust yourself to know what will work for you. And I know that in itself is not always easy, trusting the God voice inside. But that is another blog post for another day. What is important today is not getting lost in the fray. For some it will be being still, for another it will be setting goals and another letting go. It is one thing to move outside of your comfort zone and another to do something outside of the flow of your life. Some things are just not going to be for you.
We have to learn to be okay with not assimilating into group think just because something seems to be popular. People are successful long term because they learn how to follow their own instinct. Like I said there is nothing wrong with being inspired, we all need that push every now and then. But make sure the inspiration is speaking to where you are. Where am I you ask? I am finishing 2019 strong and allowing God’s process to prepare me for 2020. I’m taking it one day at a time, listening to and for God’s voice and finding my new rhythm. God is changing my pace and it has caused me to be a little off-center but I’m learning my new beat. It’s scary and exciting all at the same time. This is where I am, be okay with where you are.
With Love,
Photos & Editing: Lucretia L. Scruggs