Discouraged but not Defeated
If you know me, you know that I like to keep it positive. But no one has positive emotions all the time. My tenaciousness and willingness to walk in faith does not mean that discouragement does not happen. I experience all the myriad of emotions we experience as humans. I may have graduated from a certain response level, but I do feel discouraged. Having dreams and aspirations are a sure way to encounter this emotion.
Top: Pretty Little Thing
Pants: H&M; Belt: NastyGal; Shoes: Silly Habit Shop
I believe that we all have a vision for our lives. We want to reach the level of success that we each define for ourselves. (And I hope you are defining this for yourself with God’s guidance). We also very often paint a picture of what it is going to look like. Life does not always give us the nice and neat picture we paint in our minds. It can be a very hard pill to swallow. Process is not for the faint of heart, there are hills and valleys. And many of those valleys are pulling yourself away from the lull of discouragement. Giving in to this emotion is a sure way to give up because discouragement sees no way forward. It eats away at hope.
It is very important that we not only acknowledge the feeling but the source. I often ask myself what is triggering this emotion within me? Why do I believe that what I am hoping for is no longer available to me? Whatever that trigger is, I take it to God until I feel better. That might mean taking it to Him repeatedly until I feel better, until my hope is restored. Discouragement never tells us the truth; it is often a distorted sense of reality usually brought on by comparing our lives to others or thinking there is not a space for us to flourish. When I get triggered, I have to be reminded of the beauty of my journey. I also must remind myself to up my game at times because self-pity is not my friend. My why is bigger than this feeling. And God’s plan is bigger than my feelings, because it’s not just about me. It’s about glorifying God and those who I am purposed to connect too. I won’t lie sometimes I get over it rather quickly and other times I have to walk through it for days, but I always come out on the other side, and you will too. Don’t let a moment of discouragement disrupt the plan that God has for your life. You may have to pause and re-access but keep going girl, you got this!
With Love,