Are You Ready for the Glow Up?

Are You Ready for the Glow Up?

Question for all the Dreamers like me: are you ready for what comes with the realization of your dreams? Are you actually preparing yourself for your dream becoming reality? These are questions that I ask myself. Because I understand that realizing my dream does not mean that it’s smooth sailing from here on out. There is a mantle of responsibility that comes with every dream that comes true. Are you ready?

Top & Skirt: Zara; Shoes: Doc Martens ; Hat: Thrift; Heels: Too Old to Tell

Top & Skirt: Zara; Shoes: Doc Martens ; Hat: Thrift; Heels: Too Old to Tell

I know that social media makes success look super fun. But like the Notorious Big said “More money, more problems.” Money may make certain aspects of your life easier but it doesn’t solve every problem. My mission is that with any amount of outward success that I obtain is rooted in my connection to God. That outward success does not eclipse who made it all possible, God. The blessing cannot outweigh the one who blesses, period.  So my prayer is not only Lord I want to realize certain aspirations but Lord I want to become the person that you can trust with the blessing.

I understand that my life is not just about me but has a deeper and bigger purpose than getting what I want. A blessing for me should extend beyond my life into the lives of those that are connected to me. The resources that my blessings create are not for me alone. Ha, I know you thought I was going to go into this whole spiel about being prepared for what’s next being all about you. To me the value of greatness is how that greatness serves someone else and how it impacts someone else’s life. Being a boss is to understand how to serve others not lord your power over others. The greatest use of power is shown in the example of Jesus…grace. Do I want to be successful and reach the fullness of my potential? Do I want to have financial freedom? The answer to all of these questions is yes.  But these blessings for me will not rest in me alone. My win is another person’s win. My win is opening up doors and opportunities for someone else. My win is so I can lift another person up.  We all have benefitted from someone else extending themselves for us.

There’s also this thing called imposter syndrome that plagues those that reach certain levels of success. In order to remain successful in whatever your sphere is, you have to believe that you belong in the rooms and at the tables. You have to be confident in your gift, talents, hard work and skills. You have to believe that your voice matters.  That you are in that room for a purpose and no one can do it like you can. If you don’t make room for yourself, then you leave a void for the person who has to come after you. When that voice of doubt and fear rears its ugly head you have to crush it. Because believe me it will try to get through, but you have to have enough ammo to shut it down. You have to know that what is for you is for you. Don’t talk yourself out of your greatness either.

One last thing, you have to be and remain connected to the right people. These are people who understand your vision and purpose and hold you accountable to it. Success comes with the good and bad. Of course people are going to want to be around those that they perceive as winning. Those people who want to hang on to the glimmer of success and not the hard work behind it. Beware of those people. Pray for friendships and connections that are God sent and genuine. We all need people who really care about us and care about helping us to execute the dream.

Sooo are you really ready for the glow up?

With Love,


Photos & Editing By” Lucretia L. Scruggs


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