We Fail We Get Up and Start Again

No one is a fan of failure. But failure is an inevitability and something in life we can’t escape. I’ve learned that instead of trying to avoid it, we have to use it as a catalyst for change. We learn from our failures not our successes. It’s okay at any place in life to collect the pieces and start again. The worst failure is not trying and remaining stagnate because of fear of not getting it right. As we progress in life there is always going to be something new to learn or overcome. Like the saying goes, “life is for the living.” Living in fear is like living as a zombie, the walking dead. We accomplish nothing when we are stuck.

Of course we should not be living in negative cycles and reliving the same mistakes over and over again. We should be failing up, because we are in a new phase or chapter where we may not completely yet understand the playing field. We should not be circulating around the same errors year after year. We learn from our failures, which ultimately means we are making progress.

In my life, giving up is not an option. I may have to pivot and go in a new direction but I am never giving up on my potential. I am never giving up on the assignment that God has given me. I understand that God’s plan and purposes are bigger than me. My decisions and the mark I make in my sphere of influence will outlive me. Sometimes we have to change the focus from ourselves to the impact we make. Our why can’t be selfish, because if it is, the moment we feel discouraged we’re going to give up. We have to pan out the vision from the trees to the forest and understand that our individual efforts make a difference to the whole. I love when Jesus describes us as his body because it reminds us that the body needs all of its parts to function as a whole. What we do, who we are matters. Therefore, we can’t allow failures to derail what God wants to accomplish through us.

I’m starting this blogging journey all over again because I feel life moving in a new direction and I have something new to say. God is doing a new thing and I want to bless others in the overflow of how he is moving. So here I am, dusting myself off and starting fresh. I hope to inspire you to do the same. Do what God has placed on your heart to do.

With Love,
